If you were Rex Ryan who do you do start as QB next game?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jet Rider, Nov 23, 2012.


If you were Rex Ryan who do you do start as QB next game?

  1. Mark Sanchez

    72 vote(s)
  2. Tim Tebow

    55 vote(s)
  3. Greg McElroy

    98 vote(s)
  1. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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  2. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Um OK, If you say so. Cherry picking games here or there doesn't show the full picture. Tebow cannot run a regular NFL offense, running around and getting sacks for losses with the occasional completion does not work in today's NFL..

    PS Yesterday's either
  3. Tommytunes

    Tommytunes Banned

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Your may be right there but neither can Sanchez apparently. The only way he wins is when you take the ball out of his hands and how is this different than Tebow?
  4. metsjets

    metsjets Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    If I were Rex Ryan I'd pack up my shit and take Sanchez with me. If Woody can't see the crap on the field he has bigger issues.

    Seriously, Tebow isn't a great QB but a motivator. Sanchez came into the league with all the promise but what team wants him now? And Rex has done nothing but driven this team into the ground. There are a lot of issues with the team in a lot of different areas. We're missing Holmes and Revis, we still have Kyle Wilson on defense (or the team for that matter), and the list goes on. Ryan needs to get the boot as a start. We can't rebuild or move forward w/ that turd holding us back. It's like that movie Major League where he wants us to suck so we can move. Pack your shit and go play with your brother Rex!
  5. buddapaw

    buddapaw Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2003
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    He can run a conventional NFL offense(he still sucks), do I have to draw up to you in crayon??? Tebow package is 15 plays, he runs the same 3 plays all year.
  6. Tommytunes

    Tommytunes Banned

    Nov 11, 2012
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    If you could draw it up with a crayon please do. While your at it put the red zone in red and show me how many plays Sanchez has used to turn the ball over. You can color that in blue If you'd like.
  7. njjet

    njjet Member

    Sep 22, 2002
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    Nothing to lose if we start McElroy
  8. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Unless something crazy happens and someone like Drew Brees wanted out of NO and specifically said that he wanted to play for the Jets. I'm sticking with Sanchez for this year, considering the cap situation he'll be back next year, so these last few games should be spent developing chemistry with Kerley and Hill for next season.

    NYJFOREVER Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    If we lose this game against the Cards I wouldn't mind see McElroy see some playing time. I would like to see what he can do against a 1st string defense.
  10. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Id draft a QB. Probably not this year unless the front office loves Barkley. I'd play Sanchez another year take our high draft picks this year and fix our LBs and add some weapons on Offense. Next year with hopefully a retooled team draft a new QB if a good one is available.

    I like Mcelroy but I dont think he will be a good QB he just isn't physically gifted. He has the weakest arm in the NFL.
  11. BTC

    BTC New Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    It doesnt matter........Because Rex still thinks we can make the playoffs. Everything he has said since post game thursday night proves he is COMPLETELY DILLUSIONAL. He will continue to start Sancheeze until we are 4-11 insisting he gives us the best option to win.

    Ok....fine.....you wanna be an ass hat and think we can make the playoffs? Whatever. But when we lose this weekend and there is clearly no doubt that the season is lost then its time to evaluate Mcelroy. But you know thats just not going to happen. Thats not how we roll. God forbid we find out if Mcelroy can lead this team and suprise everyone or if he's even a competant back-up.

    New GM. New GM means new HC. You couldnt even keep rex on if he wanted to as a DC because he would undermine everything new.
  12. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Bum-ble :beer:
  13. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    The season is plain and simple, we already know that Mark IS NOT the answer. I am sick of hearing that he has no weapons. Shit we should have just left a check on P Mannings table and told him to fill in the amount. If Mark takes a pay cut to how he plays then we can afford to go and get him weapons. This team has turned into a joke and it starts with Tanny and ends with Mark. Its been 4 years, and I know about the playoffs. Who gives a shit about that when we have turned into the ass fumbling joke. Its time for Mark to sit, funny Greene can lose carries to Powell for sucking but Mark keeps playing. Something is just wrong with this entire situation.

    As far as who to play, G Mac or Tebow, might as well see what we have in G Mac.
  14. socaljetfan

    socaljetfan Active Member

    Nov 24, 2012
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    Became a fan in 2009, with the arrival of Rex Ryan and his attitude toward the Patriots and the Mark Sanchez pick both. Thought even after last season that Sanchez could become our franchise QB but I've essentially given up on that. I have little to no confidence in him, but I would continue to start him. We're stuck with him and I think he still has more potential than anyone on the bench. I'd like to draft a QB to ride the bench for next year before assuming a starting role, but there aren't many good options in the upcoming draft. Jets always lose and win at the wrong times.
  15. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I agree 100% with most of this post. At a certain point Mark needs to sit, and we are at this point.

    As far as this draft sign me up for Nassib or Glennon....
  16. Tommytunes

    Tommytunes Banned

    Nov 11, 2012
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    Good post.
    Rex won't change in fear that everyone will be on him that he should hae made the move in the beginning ofthe year.. That's why ass fumble still plays on!

    Im sick of hearing weapons and team around him too. You know, I was watching the lion game and its funny that besides Johnson who else on that receiving core is a top ten yet they were up pretty much most of game. Stafford went down field tom 3-4 different players all of which I have never heard of. Broyles was a monster for them and they are running a second round running back also not a star but has been running well. My point is they controlled that game and besides a blown call on the Kick and the dumbass Schwartz throwing the flag, they win that game.
    It's fun watching a quarter back throw the ball down field and its fun watching 3 down conversion that give the defense a fighting chance to win. All which we lack.
    I guess what I'm saying is that all it takes is a better quarter back and a lot of things can change for us
  17. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I wouldn't toss a guy with zero NFL experience into the clusterfuck that is the Jets right now. I do not think it would be good for his development. He's a 7th round pick...people don't want to start him because they actually think that he'll be any good...it's more a reflection of what they think about Sanchez and Tebow.

    Also, I don't see how he is a better option than Tebow. Start Tebow, and if he plays poorly, at least it'll shut up tons of people and stop the media circus to a large degree. All that hype is going to linger and probably get worse (if that's possible) until they start him...I think people need to realize that. If the Jets want to keep Tebow through 2014, I think they need to put what he is in perspective by starting him. They gotta get that monkey off their back.

    You think the hype is bad now...wait'll the Jets start McElroy instead of Tebow after benching Sanchez.
  18. NewEnglandJet

    NewEnglandJet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tebow obviously. Sanchez is Jamarcus Russel status. Tebow commands man coverage every time with the box stacked. Last year he would have been so much more efficient if the play calling wasn't so predictable.

    Seriously shocked people are still supporting assfumble.
  19. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    This! - Most here do not expect McElroy to be anything near a top tier starting QB potential - I want to know can the guy be a legitimate backup for several years ala Pat Ryan? I would take a good long look at him for this reason.

    I know Sanchez can't be a starter or a decent backup. Everyone says Sanchez is here next year because of his salary and they are right but that doesn't mean you have to play him. Gholston was here too long because of his salary but they didn't play him.
  20. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    i would start sanchez. i think he'll bounce back and play a great game against the cards. the Jets played a lousy game. I would think about replacing Brandon Moore, b/c he looks done to me its probably time for Vlad to start.

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