Well, that is what the league says. Ask the fans in Washington if the Thunder is still their team and you get a very different answer. Did the fans in Cleveland still say the Browns were their team after Art Modell moved them to Baltimore and renamed them the Ravens? The Cleveland fans did not. And yes that is me answering me.
I think for me it would depend what part of the country they moved to and why, I live 2500 miles away so them not being in NJ/NY isn't a big deal. I wasn't sure if I would stick with the Nets when they left Jersey but it appears the ownership wants to put a good product on the court so I'm gonna stick with them but if the Jets moved it would really depend on the circumstances of the move. Easy answer yes, I would stick with them but based on the reasons I have the ability to modify my position.
doesn't matter where they go, except if it was Boston. I absolutely cannot like any team from Boston.
When the Whalers left Hartford it was devastating. It's still depressing to this day. By the age of 13 I would listen to every single game on the radio..and followed some pretty mediocre but loveable hockey teams. When they left I couldn't follow them. I hated the owner Pete Karmanos so much for killing such a well liked small market team. That event made my passion for the Jets that much stronger. Sure they're loosely considered "local" to my area..but it is clearly Patriots/Giants territory. The Jets became my oldest sports attachment..I will take this franchise to my grave where ever they go.
If it was like a browns to ravens or oilers to titans kinda thing, no I dont think Id stay with the team. If they just relocated like the colts then yes, theyd still be my team.
If they lost the Jets name it would be tough, but they could be the only team I could root for no matter their name. If they kept the Jets name definitely.
I think I remember their contract being made for like 99 or 100 years after that whole West Side Stadium ordeal
If the jets moved from NY and the games were barely accessible. Slowly over time you would either lose interest in football or find another team to follow.
I often think about the LA Raiders/Oakland Raiders or LA Rams/St Louis Rams and Houston Oilers/Tenessee Titans... Those Fans must of been like Wth.. If your franchise just ups and moves, your team could suck every year but they are your team no matter what.
Thats a hard question. After years pass by, wouldn't they soon have a new identity as the players and staff you got use to leaves. What if the team begin to take on the style and life of there new location which has a different vibe then NY? What if they change there name and colors? Is rooting for the Tenesee Titans the same as rooting for the Oilers to people in Houston? I dont know if I could do it.
i can only speak about what i have been told by my mom about when the dodgers up and left brooklyn for los angeles. she fucking HATES, let me make it perfectly clear, the little old 70 something year old lady i call mom fucking HATES the dodgers. she is still pissed to this day that they up and left her. i would hate the jets. i would hate even more that piece of shit woody johnson. they would be my arch enemy. this is something that has been talked about with the jets a few times in their history, not that the owners or anything were talking about it but the fans have a few times thought about the possibility of relocation. it would be a complete and total fuckery if they left. and the dumbest thing you could ever do.
I think the people mentioning the Brooklyn Dodgers and Cleveland Browns are probably closer to the mark. You can also include the Baltimore fans after Irsay moved the team to Indianapolis - they despised him and didn't want him to have the slightest bit of success. alleycat's mother is overwhelmingly typical about how National League fans felt about the Dodgers and the Giants after they left - my mother and grandfather (the Giant fans) and father (the Dodger fan) had no team for 3 years, and then became diehard Met fans in 1962. The thought of rooting for the Yankees would have been laughable, and I can certainly assure you that there is NO chance that I would ever root for the Giants if the Jets left. For the same reason I'm not at all surprised at Cakes' report that Washington fans switched to Portland, not OKC.
I would definitely be a Bills fan before a Giants fan, not even close. I strangely don't have too much hate for the Bills, although I am reminded how much I can hate them two weeks a year. I've pondered this question before. If they kept the name and uniforms it would be almost impossible not to root for them. If they changed the name, etc., it would depend on circumstances.
I dont hate the Bills either. Actually though, I plan on moving to Florida in about 2 or 3 years so if the Jets were to move, I would probably end up being a Bucs or Jags fan depending on where I live in Florida. A big hell no to becoming a Dolphins fan tho.
Last November was the first time in my life I actually visited NY. Ive had several stop overs at NY airports going Europe, but never actually got out in NY. Gotta say, NY is a fine place to visit every year, not sure about living there though. As for your question, it wouldn't matter to me. Im a Jets fan. Them being in NY didn't matter to me. I've been a fan since Al Toon days, while I was back in London playing soccer. If they switched to LA Jets, I still wouldn't care. Now if they switched to Miami Jets, thats gonna be tough, but it'll depend. If Dolphags are there too, I'll remain a Miami Jets fan. Probably the same with New England.
That's A Great Question One I have thought about. I don't know I don't even like them being in New Jersey and was really hoping they would move back into the city. If they were to move and then win another SB I would be pissed. But Woody Johnson is a shady character that I just don't trust. He doesn't seem like a football type owner its like the Jets are a novelty to have or like Bo Jackson said a hobby.