[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-7goYK9c4U[/YOUTUBE] What could be more apropos? I wish I knew how to edit video, it'd be awesome to set some Sanchez highlights to this tune
Jets Fight Song- "Win the game, fight like men, We're together win or lose, New York Jets go rolling along. . . And where e'er we go, We'll let the critics know That the Jets are here to stay. " That shit is badass!! lol
i like it. especially with all the times rex says "boom" on the sidelines. watching that sound fx the other night, i thought he'd be a perfect candidate for the next nike "boom" commercial.
Very entertaining topic. A lot of good suggestions. Tough call. Personally, I'd have to go with a Metallica medley ("Enter Sanchez"?) before and during games and classic Sinatra after a a Jets victory.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuULcVaMTf0 Now that theme song gets me pumped every single time...Shit Im pumped as we speak