Schotty will be gone next year and maybe sooner! But what if we turn to TOM MOORE and Sanchez still plays as he did last night? We have a lot invested in Sanchez and its simpler to fire the OC and QB coach. Sanchez better do better with Moore or whomever we bring in or big trouble for the jets will result! The Ol needs fixing! BRICK is not impressive and Hunter is a disaster. Moore has played better in the past. We need a deep receiver who scares defenses and helps pull them off the LOS. Does sanchez have enough arm & accuracy to use that deep threat well?
I think there has to be a change. If you're coaching for a new contract, and you have everyone playing worse, and Tom Moore is your "consultant," then the writing is on the wall and you're a lame duck OC. Consultants are usually the death knell for a non-HC position.
You can look at it this way: Tom Moore comes in for RZ offense, and the Jets go from 30th to a top 5 RZ offense. So if he had total control, perhaps the whole offense will go from bottom 5 to at least top 15. A top 15 offense, and a top 5 defense can win consistently in the NFL.
I hate how making or not making the playoffs should be the determining factor for Schotty. The guy never deserved to be here this year, yet he gets a free pass all the way to the end of 2011. Bullshit.
Missing the playoffs would be worth it if we get a new Offensive Coordinator. Actually I'd be willing to miss the playoffs two years in a row just to get a new OC.
Now you're reaching. I don't hate schotty, so any success he brings I'd welcome. Unfortunately, that's not much. I wouldn't mortgage another year just to have him gone. If he's here next year, I damn well will hope he succeeds, like I do every year. It's just not happening...
Shouldn't you at least have said a BETTER OC? And don't give me the nonsense that anyone would be better. If anyone would be better, then you should want Ryan fired, too, since if anyone would be better, how come Ryan did not get rid of him a long time ago? Your post is illogical.
Just stop...Fuck that shit. The playoffs are a whole new ballgame. 2 more years of schotty and i may be this guy
I agree w/this one. For whatever reason, Rex strikes me as a guy who has it in the back/front and middle of his mind that he'll ruin Schotty's entire coaching career if he fires him. He'll tell him at the end of the season to go find another coaching opportunity and then leave on his own.
I hope he's gone..when I watch other teams there's guys wide open whether the qb completes it or not I don't care because the dude is wide open and I never see our guys wide open. Our plays are predictable and all short an its annoying to watch. Pretty sure we dont have the worst WR core in the NFL.
want a perfect example of what a new OC can do for a quarterback? Look at Greg Roman/Jim harbaugh in San Francisco. and Sanchez is way more physically talented than Alex Smith is (Sanchez, for one, doesn't have tiny hands that don't allow him to throw the ball)
I would fucking think that he wouldn't be back if we miss the playoffs. Even if we make the postseason it'd take a sb win to bring him back
Rex has been way too loyal to both players & coaches, but I see a crack in that foundation this year. Schotty's contract is up, I believe. I think it will be easy not to renew. I would not be surprised if he left of his own volition.