I think it is far less about getting the ball to start the second half than it is about Rex and his attitude of intimidation with his top-ranked defense. Rex knows the identity of his team and he wants to send a message to every team he plays - 'Here's the ball, try to get a lead on us - I don't think you can do it.' It may not make a ton of sense in a logistical fashion, but when you give the other team the first possession and send their offense to the sideline without putting points on the board, it has a psychological effect. I know it did for me when I was playing at a far lower level. Every team wants to set the tone of a game by getting an early lead, and when they have a chance to do it and fail, it frustrates them. It's a bully tactic, in a game of bullies, and I love it. I voted defer.
OK, the bully part makes sense. All sport is played between the ears so I get it. Still learning this game so thanks for the explanations