FTW^^^ Ray & Dave "Death of a Clown" Davies? Ok Patriot guy from Maine, you won me over with that one-very well played lad. :two thumbs up: I honestly don't know if Thurman is the answer (or even qualified) as DC. Rob Ryan to me is thanks but no thanks. His hire would only bring the same useless media sniping bullshit into play which is not what Rex Ryan, Woody or the 'new GM' needs to deal with from this point on. They've got to circle the wagons and solely concentrate on putting a better product out on the field - put the media on hold and let 'em invent whatever...who cares?...just ignore them and focus on fixing the house. Minus Rob Ryan.
Could you imagine both the Ryan's on the Jets LMFAO the press would thank the good lord for their luck. I would actually have to tune out for the year (except gameday) until both were fired, it would be too much for Jets fans to bare.
I wouldn't mind Rob Ryan at all, if he came we probably wouldn't need Rex to focus so heavily on defense. He could relax a bit and think about the team as a whole. Any other DC will indeed be Rex's puppet. I'm pretty sure that's why Pettine left. He wants to make a real name for himself and he was taught by one of the best.
Sutton, our linebackers coach, is interviewing elsewhere right now. There is talk that Rob Ryan might sign with us as linebackers coach and help out with the defense
Manish Mehta In today's @nydailynews, I wrote that a departure by Bob Sutton could pave the way for Rob Ryan to join Rex as part of Jets defensive staff Manish Mehta My understanding is Dennis Thurman would likely still be promoted to DC. If Rob Ryan joined Jets, it'd be with different title. #nyj Manish Mehta I'm told that Rob Ryan prefers to land a defensive coordinator job. However, if that doesn't happen, it's possible he'd join Rex
Brian Costello @BrianCoz Source: Rob Ryan has been hired by the Rams as their new defensive coordinator.
I never really gave it much consideration that Rob would want to coach on the same team as his brother. This was a media driven what if. Two DC on a team that needs offense wouldn't make any sense, not that the Jets making sense is their strong suit. Besides if Rob ran the defense there wouldn't be anything left for Rex to do.
Maybe Woody can talk Michelle Ryan into taking over the cheerleaders. At least that would give us something to look forward to.
Good. I had a nightmare last night that Rex was appointed GM and he hired Rob as HC. Gotta lay off those Cheez-its before bed.