Idzik spot on..sorry those who disagree

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by nevbeats319, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    It is based on logical inferences, and the absence of evidence to the contrary. Conjecture is something weaker than that.

    you can continue labelling my reasoning as you have, but you have failed to submit the least bit of reasoning as to why I am nore likely wrong than right. And you will continue to fail to do so, because you cannot.
  2. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    No you are right, Milliner played better than Patterson. Must remember I am on trial here every time I post or will be accused of "malpractice". What do you think of the rest of the post other than my typo, Ramon???
  3. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Yes Jay, I am a relatively new poster and I agree that the TGG is starting to resemble the Supreme Court debating a death sentence appeal (in this case the "killing" of Idzik). The problem is there is no corpse to speak except in the minds of other posters. I question his moves but applaud some of them as well. Most of the fans, sorry to say are , are trying to scrutinize very sentence like Asst DAs. C'mon loosen up!
  4. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    You're not even a Jets fan.
  5. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I nominate this for worst post of the week
  6. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    Y'know as much as he's made out to be a cheap stiff looking to rebuild, i don't even think he's NOT in win now mode. He signs Vick because of the value he brings NOW as a replacement for Geno incase he falters. he signs Johnson to a two year deal because of the value he brings NOW. Decker too, even if he's just hitting his prime. One could even make a case for lower key players like, Pace or Cumberland or Babin, guys we need to fill the gap right NOW as we get more talented at their positions, because despite having a bit more cap space not every position could have been filled with top tier talent at once.

    But because he wasn't JUST a bit more aggressive by signing a big named corner he's a cheapskate thats only playing the long game? He isn't in win now mode because he didn't sign Revis on a one year deal i guess? or another big named CB?

    fans are impatient. Some have built up the idea of getting one player or another in free agency or the draft that will surely lead the team to victory. With the idea of having a lot of cap space and draft picks, the odds of getting this idealized assortment becomes better, albeit not necessarily certain; so they set themselves up for disappointment when we go another direction.

    because they've put the idea of getting some player on a pedestal, the fact that we didn't eats 'em inside. "Whats this moron doing? the answer was sitting there right in his face! whats the reason for not spending now? doing it LATER? I don't want to win later, I want to win NOW. We need to win NOW!"

    Us being Jets fans this is doubled, we're tired of only having a ring from before the moon landing and we're an impulsive bunch. We've got a GM thats got the balls to think there is a tomorrow and that certain factors have to play out in order for him to invest heavily into anything. He's setting himself up for retaining talent, (the RIGHT kind of talent at that) and in the process he's fielded a fine team for the present even if he could have spent more to get more lucrative players in the offseason (and thats ASSUMING they all wanted to come here). So he's gonna drive us nuts, especially those that have built up the idea of getting one guy or another as the best (or maybe ONLY) way to victory.

    Now that two corners are hurt, anybody thats put the idea of getting X, Y, or at least Z at CB has found a renewed reason to despise Idzik for what he hasn't done, because whatever endgame he's playing isn't apparent from the present and doesn't live up to the immediate expectations they've set for him. ("see? relying on two players who got freak injuries in areas they haven't in the past means we should have given DRC 8 mill a year and a stake dinner!")

    In other words the only reason he's an idiot to some is because he hasn't done things in the way us armchair GM's have put on pedestal, when objectively his methods haven't left us as bare at the present as advertised and in fact seems to allow us to take more opportunities in the future.

    "But he won't take those opportunities because he hasn't done them now!" says the spurned impulsive fan. Well theres no way of knowing that one way or another honestly, but one things for certain he hasn't done a poor job because he didn't sign X,Y or Z, no matter how much joe shmo from brooklyn wanted him too.

    I've had my own idealized offseason, i wanted Marqise Lee, I would've brought Cro back, but the world isn't over because they didn't do that. idzik has done nothing but bring in talent that can help now and in the future (with a few hiccups… Goodson. :rolleyes:) and build infrastructure to grow from. TL;DR Long story short, not meeting fan expectations isn't cause to call out a GM, and I think Idzik's a little more "in the present" than people think despite talk of solely playing the long game.
  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Definitely TL, but I read it anyway, good post TMac. You really hit on it with your comments about how you wanted the Jets to make certain moves that they didn't, but still you have the ability to see the current process through.

    Maybe he'll fail? I guess it depends on where the bar is set for success. Wasn't long ago that the Jets were deep into the playoffs and people here were posting threads of idolatry about Tanny, yet he is viewed by most as a failure.

    So the bar is set at Super Bowl or bust for any and every GM that takes this job. Tanny want a personnel guy at all. Some people say that Idzik isn't either, although you don't see the overwhelming presence of an Asst GM making his football decisions for him like we did with Tanny, that was an obvious ill fit for GM when we got to brass tacks.

    Tanny started out in building mode with Mangini and shifted to win now mode the moment Rex stepped into the building. Mike wasn't his own man, he was a victim of circumstance.

    Idzik seems the opposite, no matter the decisions made in the draft. He's a longview GM that could end up building a real powerhouse, or could end up squandering opportunities waiting for the right time to pull the trigger when it comes time to bolster the team for a few years of dominance.

    His current arc is predicated on Geno, and only Geno. If Geno falls flat this year, tough decisions will have to be made. Does he use that rollover on a vet QB next year? Assuming one will be available?
    TonyMaC likes this.
  8. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    For Pete 's sake it finally dawned of me some of you guys are right. I totally missed it. I can now see that infinite cheapness and lack of long term vision that our new GM has. He totally lacks that kind of aggressive free agency approach that has made teams like Dallas, Oakland, Miami, Tampa Bay , the Redskins and some others successful contenders as of late.
    LOL, I think I will prefer to see what happens this season, steady progress wise, as well as the next before I jump on the wagon and start second guessing Idzik. To build a championship team takes patience, foresight, a strong dosage of build from the draft and time.
    Stay tuned for the Giants and watch for DRC to get toasted like his cousin did last season for us.
    Jonathan_Vilma and abyzmul like this.
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Now that's a man that knows how to communicate sarcasm.
  10. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    They are the best team in football because they don't "attract players" lol you talk as if NE Patriots are a College team. The Pats draft, trade and make deals like everyone else. The whopper of Blockers point you will never get is BBellichek doesn't concern himself so much with draft picks but players he has right now, many of whom are no longer that great. A great coach gets THE MOST out what he has and makes the best team not withstanding who he can draft or trade for . That's a brilliant coach, unfortunately our division adversary
  11. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Interesting and great post.

    By my count 13 out of 24 winners are high potential to become ones: 51 % probability of success to make it big on Jets. Not bad at all. This also means. It 50 percent the other way as well, so there will be 11 busts out of 24. Not bad again.
    #111 NYJetsO12, Aug 14, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  12. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Good post but I only got through the first half. Decided to just wait and read the Abyz rebuttal and save time.
  13. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Barc..maybe Im missing something and have not had time to read the article but yes..simple math and heres where I need to read up more...or Im losing something.

    If you have 22 million to spend this year and you dont...then you have 22 million left at years end right? So if you sign a guy to a 10 million dollar 1 year...1 year contract..then at years end you have 12 million left but that comes right off the books and you are back at 22 million before all the contracts following years kick in.

    My point is..and maybe Im wrong but I cant see how...but my point is that if you spend ANY money on a one year contract this comes off this years number and at seasons end...the number is gone right? So....22 million becomes 12 million and then back up to 22 million at years What am I missing here.

    Other then letting the money sit in the bank...what am I missing here. Im not being sarcastic.....I have no idea if you used the money for THIS year only...and it comes off the books at years end....whats the difference other then WOODY is 10 million dollars richer?
  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    lol...never too many metaphors from you bud..never.

    Now...abyz...Im sure you have read my posts and Barcs posts and Im sure Barcs has done more homework in this area but Im having a tough time getting an answer from anyone here.

    What am I missing here? If you have 22 million..and Jesus Christ...Im using Revis as an example..I would prefer he never play well again...but if you have 22 million to play with..and you sign a guy for 1 the only problem with the cap by doing that is that Woody would have 10 million dollars less in his wallet?

    I swear Im not being sarcastic here but what am I missing here? Realistically the Jets could have signed the best 2 CB'S for 10 million a year each....1 year...and still have around 2 million left..and years right back to having all that cap space no?

    Where am I getting this wrong...because unless Im missing something...the only defense any FAN could have is that they prefer WOODY to be a bit richer.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  15. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    1,505 a bit basically if what you are saying is correct...the NFL rewards teams for staying well below the cap the following year too? Im friggin lost here...this makes no sense.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    1,505 the article and I still dont understand where that helps a team that would have the money come off the books anyway because a 1 year contract is an expiring contract anyway. Dont understand it.
  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    he lost me in the first sentence when he said "dawned on me" this idiot can tell sarcasm from a Jet fan in a half of

    Ok...boys and girls....Im guilty of not being on enough and reading all the posts...but nobody is blaming Idizk for not going the route of the Raiders...Redskins etc....nobody...and yes..he has had some signings that show the checkbook is open.

    You just cant defend the beating of the chests that we have the best defense in the NFL...have a team that will only win a playoff game if the defense is top 5...have a head coach that treats the offesne as if they are the 5th team in our division...with all of that you cant blame many for being REALLY pissed off going in to this season with THIS secondary. You just cant blame fans being really pissed about that.

    Its like telling your kid we decided to go to the Poconos for our summer vacation instead of the Islands and use the rest of the money to redo the laundry room. Tough to swallow.
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  18. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Jay, the cap space is an example of fans having too much information. I wish I had never heard about it, but the fact is that it's not burning a hole in our collective pockets. It's an investment. A future. Something that can be pushed into future years.

    Yeah, the Jets could have spent this year and tried to be an immediate contender with a QB that can't take snaps under center and an offensive line that is adjusting to a new scheme.

    They don't have to. This rollover rule allows them to plan for the future.

    All of the cap space they have now is going to be added to the cap space they have next season. It's a temporary situation that not a lot of teams are taking advantage of.

    Don't get me wrong, when Revis was released by Tampa Bay, I was sitting in my car yelling for the Jets to sign him. They chose not to go for the temporary solution. And if that's a mistake, it's a big one, but I'm not going to thrash over it.

    I want to see of this GM has the chops. Enough to sit back and endure a painful season. We'll have 60mil in cap room next year. If we find our QB this season, the world is our oyster.
  19. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    Bingo. Except I think the $22M will be lessened by whatever Idzik spends on the O-Line and Secondary this year. I can see another guard and DB in our near future.
  20. Turbocharged23

    Turbocharged23 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2014
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    Yeah I think the rollover point is important here. I think we can carry over any of the unused cash until next year which will give us leverage with a) the 2015 free agents and b) with our own underpaid guys. Why pay Revis $12m for a 1 year rental when you can use it next year as part of a LT package to pay Wilkerson?

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