I want Revis on Welker, with Cromartie on Branch.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by HighFlyingJets, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Give up the dinks & dunks to Brady & hope they can make the tackles to keep the yard after catch down. Hopefully, Revis on Branch will reduce the # of big plays & Brady will have to trying scoring TD on short field. Basic bend but don't break philosophy.

    The Pats passing game might be more of a dink & dunk offense but Brady's good enough to consistently hit Branch for big plays if Jets are too aggressive when trying to stop the short passes. Pats O won't be shutdown. Give them yards & let them burn clock moving down the field. Hopefully, force most/all of the Pats red zone opportunities into FG. Worst-case-scenario is that Jets fall behind early & force Sanchez to carry offense. This is why I'd prefer the Pats scoring drives to be time consuming (especially in first half).

    Big weakness in this game plan is that Cro is not a good tackler & putting him on Welker can be disaster if he's constantly unable to make the tackle after catch.

    Another approach would be for Rex to just figure out the best way to utilize Cro & then create the defensive backfield gameplan. Revis will fit anywhere so minimizing Cro's opportunites for mistakes is more important.

    I see a lot of posts to repeat the Colts gameplan against the Pats but there's a huge difference. When Manning saw the no-Blitz Jets it was a shock because it's not Rex style. Jets can try it again, but they won't be surprising anyone. Pats would've had a full game to dissect this defensive scheme utilized against Manning.
    #41 ajax, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  2. Dufflebagz

    Dufflebagz New Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Zone would be better than blitzing for their D. If you're gonna put pressure on Brady you better do it with a 4 man rush, if not you have an opening in the zone coverage or if their playing man behind the blitz then somebody will have a one on one....not good for the Jets.
  3. patswinagain

    patswinagain New Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    IF Brady doesn't get knocked down or have two interceptions/fumble the Pats win plain and simple. Knock Tom down tons, get the running game going with a few forced fumbles or something and it's a game. Lots of rookies on the Pats so jitters can cause a fumble or bad ball control.

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