That's a hard book to read though... The Road, No Country for Old Men, and Blood Meridian are all great McCarthy books.
I'm waiting for Ventura's new book but the wait list at the library is about 2 months long. I keep seeing this book about that Russian warship Patemkin that had the mutiny before the Revolution. It looks like a good read....
Humorous, but totally forgettable book (Anansi Boys) A big step down, IMO. For everybody who likes AG, you would love a few novels from Tim Powers. I'm currently reading Three Days to Never Here's a few favs of his I've consumed over the past 20 years. The Anubis Gates Last Call The Stress of Her Regard Expiration Date and its sequel, Earthquake Weather
Oh, and I really have to throw in a word for the recent Dan Simmons historical fiction, The Terror And I can't wait for the next one, I already preordered, Drood:A Novel
Haven't read Neverwhere yet, but Anansi Boys was really good:up:, but not great. Didn't have the complexity of previous works, but simple and fun. ^^^Thanks for the tips hiker...if they're anything like AG, I'll be hooked!
Can't start threads yet, so I'll ask it here, any good books on Jet history out there? I mean after the fact books, not quickie "done after the season" type of things, or bios of specific players and coaches (i.e. I'm not looking for Kriegel's Namath book, or Herm's You Play To Win The Game tome) The only one I know of was Gerald Eskenazi's Gang Green but that only takes you right up to the start of Parcels' brief reign. Lord knows the 10 years since would be great fodder for a new book!
The Eskenazi book is the best book I've read on the Jets. This book is also considered to be impressive. Alas, I have never read it.
Finally read Ender's Game. was excellent. I'm trying a lot of different stuff, so I may not read Speaker for the Dead right away, but I will get to it eventually. Thanks for recommending it (bet you thought I forgot about it).:up: DbJ
Currently reading "The Queen of Bedlam" (bedlam being the word used to describe a mental asylum in the 1700s) absolutely fantastic 2nd novel in a series that's really a stand alone book with one recurring character.
I've been reading "the Chronicles of Prydain" -- Kind of recapturing my youth. I LOVE IT! If you're stumped for a book, read something you loved as a kid! It really makes you feel good! Try some of that CS LEWIS shit, if you are at a loss! Otherwise, USA it up with some Lloyd Alexander $
I just got done with Don't Start the Revolution Without Me by Governor Jesse Ventura. It's an interesting read. I think his whole 9-11 conspiracy thing is overblown as he simply states facts and doesn't ever really come out and say it was a conspiracy. It's only about 4 pages on that anyway and is really a minor part of the book. Now he is big into the JFK conspiracy and talks about his meeting with Castro. I'd say it was a good book but it's definately not for people who feel this administration has been honest iwth us and is doing a good job running this nation. But he does rip Clinton and Hillary in the book too.
I just finished Blood Meridian. While I can appreciate it as a piece of literature, I didn't really enjoy reading it. It is tough to read a book with no real plot, no protagonist, and doesn't use quotation marks (not that there was much dialog anyway). While the judge made for an interesting antagonist, mostly I felt like I was just reading about wandering the desert and killing. I was indifferent as to whether any of the characters lived or died. I thought The Road was far superior. The Road stuck with me long after reading it. After Blood Meridian, I just was happy to get on to the next book.
Oh....and by the way, I mentioned The Dresden Files series earlier in this thread. I'm now on the 7th book. The series gets dramatically better about halfway through the 3rd book. After that it is really, really good stuff. I'd definitely recommend the series.