I don't know how good you think our roster is. We're still missing a couple of key components, QB and special teams. I like Fitzpatrick, he's been a breath of fresh air, but he ain't winning a shootout with Brady and every game NE has played, they haven't struggled to put up points. That wasn't my point. I'll be happy if we don't do stupid shit to lose the game. 100 yards of penalties, waisted time outs, late getting a play called.. Beat us if you can football, not the giving up 21 points in 62 seconds we've seen in the past.
I don't think we'll be burying footballs next Monday. Or the host of other activities after the multiple sloppy games in which we were out of it by halftime. Any complaints about these Jets are from guys with short memories.
Greatness is never achieved by concentrating on the things you are doing right already. Any athlete worth a shit inherently knows that by the middle of high school. I don't think it is perceived as negatively as you seem to think.
For the first time in ages we've got talent on both sides of the ball. On paper our D is lights out and so far they've been pretty much playing that way. Our O is light years better than anything in the Tanny/Idzik era. Fitz is more reliable/better than Sanchez and Marshall/Decker/Ivory are the most talent we've had in skill positions in a long time. This D will not get abused by TOP problems due to multiple 3 and outs. Now NE is elite and I can't say how close we are to them but they have weaknesses and Bowles has history in this division so it's not like he's gotta figure it out cold. Us going in healthy, I think we're the greatest problem NE has to face this season. We're still jelling as a team and this game could be the catalyst.
I like Todd Bowles... I don't love him. 5 games is not enough, i want to see it for a few years. Am I happy with him and Mac thus far... You betcha.
Todd Bowles, keep stacking those chips. Love this guy. http://www.newyorkjets.com/videos/v...396c8-b5b8-4fe7-90bc-6c9370623d4f?campaign=fb
That wasn't my point. I'll be happy if we don't do stupid shit to lose the game. 100 yards of penalties, waisted time outs, late getting a play called.. Beat us if you can football, not the giving up 21 points in 62 seconds we've seen in the past.[/QUOTE] ***************************************************************************************** I don't care if have 200 yards of penalties, waste all 3 timeouts in the first 5 minutes and are late getting calls in all game. I just want to win, especially at NEW ENGLAND. Obviously, I do care, but come on, you want pretty or you want a win? Just win baby
Same reason you loved Herm Edwards in 2001 (after beating miami to go 7-3, perhaps) , Eric Mangini in 2006 (10-6), and Rex Ryan in 2009 (when we were 3-0, i doubt you called him a trash brash idiot lol) We loved each one because he wasnt his predecessor. Mangini was the anti-herm. Rex was the anti-Mangini Now the pendulum has swung again to the stoic, no-nonsense guy. We like Bowles, but take a breath before you get the tattoo.
Bowles has a different touch than the HC's who preceded him. The level-headed, light, just business approach with a touch of levity is very Dungy-esque. I'm not sure the Jets have ever had a head coach with this type of approach. Rex - Brash braggadocio, lots of humor, not details oriented except in the defensive game plan. Mangini - Straight laced, touch of humor now and then but very stern also, details were stickied all over the place, motivated with imagery and totems. Herm - Promoter who captivated the media, left the details to his OC and DC and eventually clock manager, in damage control mode every year after the first with Chad. Groh - All business with the media, liked to float team-based memes to see what would stick, managed Parcell's team but never really owned the job. Parcells - There's no way to describe Parcells other than to say he was fully in control of everything the Jets did until Vinny's achilles said no. Parcells was the Jets while he was here. Kotite - Don't remember him much but he seemed very bland, almost absent at times. Carroll - Rah-rah, very up-tempo personality in his one season. Was fixated on doing things differently, which is not so hard to understand given the trough the Jets had settled into after the mid 80's. Coslet - Inherited a broken down Kenny O'Brien at the end of his career and eventually brought in Boomer to try to get things going. The only thing I really remember about Coslet is the frustration that leaked out now and then in pressers and interviews. Lost his best players to injuries and retirement and had to deal with the Dennis Byrd tragedy in the process. Walton - Took over a team built for and by Walt Michaels and watched injuries derail it. Took the brunt of the criticism from a fan base with high expectations after a crappy 70's. I remember him as being alternately stern and hapless but I was one of those frustrated fans so my view isn't necessarily fair or right. Michaels - The best Jets coach between Weeb and Parcells. Built his defense in the style of the old Cleveland Browns defenses he played on with tough smashmouth players up front and a speed rusher in Gastineau to compliment them. I do not remember his pressers or interviews, which is not surprising given the media explosion didn't begin until ESPN came online for real in the early to mid-80's. The image I have of him was of a tough but loyal coach who was quick to defend his players to others but also to yank them if things weren't working out. I really don't remember the coaches before that at all, as kids tend to be focused on the players and the laundry and nothing else.
All you got to do is listen to him and you know deep down in your heart he has the pulse of this team. He speaks with a measured demeanor that comes from the heart and with knowledge. Congratulations issued on the win, but immediately points out the subpar performance by special teams. And he took ownership of the problem. I have more confidence in him from I have seen so far than since I care to remember.
It's hard not to get excited about Bowles at 4-1. I think you learn more about people when they face adversity, which he surely will at some point. I find it hard to imagine he'll act much differently when that does happen though. You really have to respect his consistent demeanor and what seems to be a strong focus on getting things right in house. It's nice to be optimistic about things going into week 7.
Bowles is a winner..... projects like coaching is not like his first rodeo. 16 Rounds? Great philosophy If Gailey hasnt won you over he will. We finally have an OC who has some fan love. Underwhelms you with wins. Thats fine by me
Totally agree here. I know it's easy to say this now, but i can see him being around for a long time.
Interesting take. I just see it as being practical and honest. Rex went waaaaaaaaaaay too far in the other direction praising them when they sucked. I think Bowles is just trying to keep it real and keep them grounded and focused. I'm sure he works to keep them motivated and praises them. You yourself also said he takes responsibility, something Rex gave occasional lip service to, but never embraced. He was all talk and bluster. Bowles is a man of action. With his words, he's matter of fact and to the point. I understand your point about the players may get tired of hearing about those things. If it starts to become a problem, I'm sure that he will be aware enough to sense/realize it and back off that a little. He seems to have the pulse of the team better than Rex ever did and they respond to him well. One thing I'm sure of...some of the players might like Rex more as a person because of his fun-loving nature, but I'd be willing to bet that every single player in that locker room respects Bowles more and has a little bit of fear, knowing that if they screw up too badly, they won't skate as they did with Rex.
Bowles might be the perfect combination of toughness and benevolence towards his players. Throw in the fact that he's a former player, that's also won a SB along the way, and that gives him credibility not too many coaches can claim. So far, the results have been very encouraging for this organization. IMO, there is absolutely nothing to be unhappy about from what Bowles has done since he was named HC of the NYJ...