I have diabetes.

Discussion in 'BS Forum' started by DefenseWinsChampionships, Oct 24, 2017.

  1. Rollo Tomassi

    Rollo Tomassi Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2018
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    I'm hoping we can bust your balls at Baker Mayfield's HOF induction speech ;)
    CotcheryFan and LF911SC like this.
  2. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Well, there goes the neighborhood.
    Cman69 likes this.
  3. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Nope never quit. Thanks, you and anyone else suffering like we do are in mine also. Unfortunately in any dialysis center I see the results of people who have fought diabetes and haven't faired well. You are 100% right, I'll fight to the end, has always been in me to be that way. I know you have that In you too. Anyone who sees others with our conditions should be warned, we're incredibly strong individuals. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. Continued good luck, ignore the narrow minded and push forward.
  4. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    I'd b happy as can be if I'm there to live it 15 years from now. Especially when I know that Darnold wil go in later on a first ballot.
  5. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well if you are not 70 already U should easily make your goal if you take your meds & stay away from the sweet stuff. I have been living with it since the 70s :mad:
  6. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    There's the plan! Sorry to hear that anyone is in the same boat, feel for you and anyone who lives like we do. Stay strong, it's what we do
  7. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Well besides the sweet stuff/alcohol it really has not affected the way I live. So long U watch your AM blood count and your 3 month A1C you should be able to leave a almost normal life :mad:
  8. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    I understand and glad you are able to deal with the limitations. I'm a dialysis patient in full kidney failure, dont suffer from diabetes so am not sure of all that you have to deal with. Have a lot more limitations to my diet and a really restrictive liquid restriction to deal with. At least were able to live a somewhat normal life, that is the important part of the equation. Continued good healthy to you!
  9. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Same to U besides blindness kidney failure & nerve damage are 3 of the things that may effect a diabetic :mad:
    NY Jets68 likes this.
  10. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    Im all to aware of the effects of diabetes, being in dialysis where the majority of the patients are diabetic. Its a lot worse than I ever imagined and if not kept on top of can lead to al lot of other ailments. Stay strong!
  11. Mean Green Machine

    Mean Green Machine Active Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Research about MMS.

    Ordered some and put my dad on it and it literally cured him of his diabetes.

    Don't believe me, just research.

    Best of luck.
  12. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    It's watered down chlorine bleach. I've heard about it before, along with colloidal silver. Could be mind over body, just like Essiac for cancer. I don't doubt your claim, though. I'm just wondering what type of diabetes he had and if he lost a ton of weight and his diabetes was tertiary. If so, it was far more likely that. Was he insulin dependent? When was he diagnosed? How long had he been living with it? Did he make radical life style changes? Questions that needed to be asked. I'm just wary of 'miracle cures'. And just as wary of disreputable scum bags like Eli Lilly.

  13. Mean Green Machine

    Mean Green Machine Active Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    I had a ball in my stomach just over my belly button.

    It grew bigger and bigger for about a year and a half to the point that i couldn't eat too much food without upsetting it.

    Soon the weight loss and hourly nausea came along with lymph nodes enlarging. kidneys cramping and feeling tired all day confirmed my worst fears.

    I never wonder what it could have been because i know it had to be the worst.

    I started on 3 drops a day for 8 hours a day and a month later i had no lump lol. After 2 weeks of this combined with drinking some Black seed oil before bed, i had no symptoms of any illness.

    I went from 175 to 140 in about a year's time. It's been a year since and i haven't looked back since.

    As far as my dad, i told him about it because of what i had done for me and so he tried it and told me he went to the doctor and everything was great.

    My father has been battling diabetes for about 3 years now until he tried some.

    Definitely do some research on it. There is a lot of foofoo articles out there.

    The government tried to patent chlorine dioxide in 1998 for AIDS medication but it was denied.
    Red Cross cured malaria in 2 days and documented it, only to turn around and cover it up and claim the videos are fake
    Look for the testimonials

    This is the video that got me started into it:

  14. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    I've been I diabetic for 26yrs, I have a insulin pump, made this shit, that much more manageable.
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    KurtTheJetsFan likes this.
  16. DefenseWinsChampionships

    Apr 30, 2016
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    Just wanted to thnx everyone.

    From the mods who kept this thread as a sticky for many of months to the TGG faithful who gave me comfort almost now 4 years ago; I thnx you all.

    I have an agreement I made with my wife. I tell her if I ever pass away and die? To please let TGG/JN/JI know that I've passed; only so she and my daughter can read awesome memories of their DWC here on TGG. She made me that promise. She even knows my password and login info dating back to 2017 now lol.

    On a more serious note. I'm fine. I'm doing really good and I'm no longer scared as I once was in 2017.

    Just wanted to give you guys an update.

    Found out I was type 2 diabetic in 2017. 4 years ago. Blood sugar @ hospital was 448. Don't worry.

    As I shared in the Moses thread...

    "I'm proud of myself dating back to 2017 I've only drank water. Nothing else. Not a sip of juice, tea, coffee; nothing other than water. I drink water like a fish. And I feel better than I've ever felt before because of it.

    I've had Soda 4x since 2017 (all 4 on Thanksgiving). The only time I'll ever allow myself to cheat and enjoy a soda is on Thanksgiving with my family because I'm sorry but I'm not drinking water on Thanksgiving Day (that's not living life, waterboy on Turkey Day).

    The best news of all? Since I switched from Sugar drinks to nothing but 100% water? My blood sugar had never reached 448. Ever again. It's never even gotten over 137 (thnx you Lord I'm doing good).

    PS: I've never been a weight lifting man but dating back to 2017 I jump rope for 30 minutes every A.M and then go for a late night 30 minute jog at night time. Every single day of every single night and for the rest of my life.

    and as I'm drinking my waters, jump roping and jogging my only thoughts in my head are my daughter, my wife, my mom and my loved ones (I can't let them down".

    Thnx you TGG. When I created this thread? I was scared. Sometimes I come across as a tough guy but deep down inside I'm a softy with a big heart. I cried many nights asking God why me? Why did you give me diabetes? And he answered my prayers.

    I now know because knowledge is power that diabetes or not, if I would've continued drinking sodas, iced teas, Kool aid and Arizona's? I would have never lived to see 50 to begin with. Now? I know I can live until I'm 107.
  17. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    toughest son of a bitch I ever saw
  18. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Leaves to post on Jet Nation for a couple of months, wears out welcome, returns to post thesis long posts, sees it not going over well, tries posting in thread recently visited by Petro to try and curry favor, gets caught in lie, scurries on over to bump the ultimate sympathy thread in the style of Green Hornet.

    What's next?

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