I feel sorry for the younger Jet fans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Jetcane, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I didn't know what I was signing up for.
  2. leon4mvp

    leon4mvp Banned

    Nov 14, 2008
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    you guys are pathetic.......i love how people act like you can just switch the team you root for, like come on the new york jets are a part of our lives, more than a football team, a culture...look at us random people coming together on this message board to talk about our common bond, our love for the new york jets....
    everyone knows that only one team wins the championship each year...1. so how about you appreciate the fact that the jets brought us sick plays and exciting games....you cant tell me that you all werent walkin around with a little pep in your step when we knocked off the patriots and titans, or you didnt jump up and down like a little girl every time leon broke one....i mean yeah this collapse sucks but im a mets fan so im used to it..... stick with me boyss ourrr time is coming i guarantee it......i still bleeed greeen and whiteeeeee!!!!!
  3. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    Same here. I should be shot in both kneecaps, twice.
  4. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I will never switch teams. That is the cardinal sin of sports. People should be forced to stay with the first team they ever rooted for... Obviously could not be enforced but you get my point. It's just awful watching your team unravel when you thought this could be the year..... I actually was believing after the Titan game that we were SB contenders.
  5. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Heh heh, probably the same thing GreenHornet said earlier in this thread:

  6. The Grim Revis

    The Grim Revis New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    I couldn't switch teams if I tried.

    I just have a love for the Jets and hatred of every other team embedded in my soul.
  7. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    I know I would lose interest in football if I ever switched or tried to stop following the Jets. I had a friend do it this year because he hated Favre and Mangini. I will never take seriously anything he says about the Jets in the future.
  8. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    great post. I couldn't agree more. :wink:
  9. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Be optimistic all you want. Are you still optimistic about making the playoffs?
    you dont want to OD on the koolaid- that isnt healthy either.

    Some of us are very specific about our criticisms. I know i have been critical of both Sutton and Mangini since last season, and with very good reasons.

    But there are plenty of things about the Jets I never criticized on any MB.
    I dont make and havent made negative posts about:

    -Tannenbaum or any draft picks or trades he made
    -Curtis Martin
    -Santana Moss
    -I also knew that the westside Stadium plan failed due to politicians, and not Woody.

    and for that matter, I never bashed Torre before he left the Yankees, I never bashed Willie after the Mets' collapse.

    So you should know that when I say that mangina sucks, it isnt because i think everything about the Jets or NY teams sucks. Just him and his DC.
  10. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    . . . . I'm proud of you?
  11. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Not a brilliant response.

    So tell us right now, are you optimistic that the Jets are going to make the playoffs?
  12. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    You missed my point, genius. Clearly, Because of what you wrote in your post, YOU AREN'T one of the fans DWARE was referencing in his initial post. Thus, I didn't see the logic behind you posting what you posted in direct response to my consigning of DWARE's post. (i.e. I didn't see WHY you felt the need to make sure that I knew you weren't one of those fans - an awkward attention complex, maybe?) I'm not sure what more there is to say. (By the way, just for the record, I think your response was a little less brilliant then mine considering it wasn't relevant to the discussion at hand :wink:)
    #52 slimjasi, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2008
  13. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    I didnt think i was the subject of his post, and because I've had him on ignore for a year, i didnt even read his post until you quoted it. I have an aversion to posters who are drunk on koolaide. they arent realistic and I cant take them seriously.

    But since he said not to feel sorry for him, and this thread is about how i have sympathy for some of the younger guys who keep getting disappointed by the team, i wanted to respond. I only spoke for myself about my criticisms of the CS.

    Now, you seemed to agree with him that some posters (I guess not me since you dont seem to think so) try to damper people's optimism, so i want to know if you are still optimistic about this season, or if you are less than optimistic about making the playoffs. it's a straight question, why dont you answer it without trying to be a wiseass?
  14. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    I'm not trying to be a wise-ass. I admit that my initial response to your post was both terse and a bit dismissive. (Although my response was certainly based in actual perplexion) However, I think you crossed over into the "wiseass" realm before I did. Now for the nontrivial matters at hand . . .

    First of all, I didn't mean to necessarily imply that I didn't believe you were a fan who "dampered people's optimism" on this board. I'm not saying that you are one of these fans, it's just that I'm not familiar enough with your posts to say one way or another - in other words, you haven't stood out to me enough for me to form opinions on your outlook or notice trends in your posts)

    Secondly, it's not that I feel your question isn't "straight" or legitimate (It most certainly is), I just don't think it's all that relevant to the comments you made in response to my cosigning of DWARE'S post. The topic was the legitimacy of older Jets' fans attacking the optimism of youger Jets' fans with utterly baseless and irrational SOJ arguments. Your criticisms of the Jets were all fair and logical, and although I may not agree with all of them, I don't consider them the kind of baseless negativity that DWARE was deriding. Furthermore, I don't consider my own personal level of optimism at all relevant to what was being discussed. However, Since it is a legitimate question, I will answer it accordingly: OF COURSE I'M NOT OPTIMISTIC about this team and their chances of making the playoffs. Why do I say "of course"??? Because they have lost 3 of 4 games (and as we all know, they were extremely fortunate to have won the one game that they did manage to win in these past four weeks) and are playing terribly. They seem to be a playing in a daze and their quarterback is coming off one of the worst games I've ever seen him play. Right now, although I feel they are physically capable of manhandling the dolphins, I have ZERO confidence that they will beat the Dolphins. I have no idea what to expect from this team because they are wildly inconsistent and I consider them an enigma of epic proportions. (By the way, I'm not even going to get into the fact that I don't expect either the Pats to lose to the Bills on the road or the Ravens to bow down to the banged up Jags at home)
  15. Jetcane

    Jetcane New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Solid post. Thanks for the reply.

    My anti-sutton posts go all the way back to September 07, and at some point last season I jumped off the Mangini wagon. It might have been around the time of the Jets-Giants game last year. I posted plenty about it last season.

    I have less posts here this season for precisely the reason that I didnt want to be a downer. So, I guess you havent read too much by me on that this year.

    I thought we'd beat Seattle, and i predicted we'd beat Buffalo (though it was a little lucky to win it). Even if the Jets manage to beat the Phags, I dont hold out too much hope for getting past a real playoff team, based on how they've been playing the past month. So, I agree with you, I dont hold much optimism right now, either.

    I haven't seen too many posts by the older guys Ware referred to, though I can guess who the usual suspects are, LOL.
  16. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    See as a younger Jet fan, I don't feel sorry for myself, at all. I knew what I was getting into. The first year I watched the team, and went to games, and really became a fan, was 1996. That's right, I became a fan when we went 1-15.

    So the way I see it, it's my own damn fault. I had no reason to believe it would be anything but misery.

    In fact, I feel bad for you older fans- who were drawn to this team by the '68 squad. Who saw Joe Namath, and Don Maynard, and Boozer, and Snell, and Hill, and the incredible, stifling D. You guys were led to believe you were watching the beginning of something great, and put all your eggs in the Jets' basket.

    They fooled you. I have no idea how they roped me in.
  17. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Great post. Thanks.

    Yeah, I pretty much have the same outlook you have except that I don't believe Mangini deserves to be fired if he manages to win 10 games this year. (I've posted many times about how I think professional sports franchises are far too impatient with young head coaches and often fire them imprudently and regret it later - The Cleveland Browns and Bill Belicheat being a prime example of this phenomenon) Even though I think the virtues of patience and prudence are on Mangini's side, I can't pretend that I haven't lost confidence in him. Who hasn't? This is a HUGE week for him in my eyes. He needs to show everybody that he hasn't lost his team and that his team will FIGHT for him in the most dire of circumstances. The only way he can hope to accomplish this is by getting his team to show up against the dolphins and give an inspired effort. (I think if that happens, the Jets actually win. Imagine that)

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