The Jets lost their best defensive player, and their only play maker on offense and will likely still finish at 8-8. The Jets arent as bad as they seem. Its the usual piling on that the press does. I know what a bad team looks like, I was rooting for these guys and watching every game in the early to mid 90's. Sanchez is bad. Replace him with an average QB and get the same team back and we would probably be looking at 10-6.
Because of 3 things: 1. the team is bad 2. We are a major market team 3. The problems are at almost every position on offense (save LT and C), the defense is strong, but between age and contracts seems unlikely to improve and more likely to regress.
Lets see outside of needing 3 new linebackers, a speedy runningback who can run outside, a new tackle and 2 new guards, a punter, a quarterback, two safety's (both will be free agents this year) we are not such a bad team. O, I forgot to mention a new GM and head coach. I think that about covers it. Yeah, we are a good team alright. I don't understand how you guys are just not objective.
We are mis managed, under coached, and have a severe lack of talent on the O side of the ball. Time to make some adjustments.
Well, if you don't get it, let me explain it to you: beating a bunch of chumpstains and losing to everyone else, for most of the last two years, does not make you a good team. We may not have had a losing season the past four years, but we now offically have this year. And you're not talking about the team as a franchise, you're talking about right now. Right now, this team is a bad team. Terrible offense, halfway decent defense that comes up small when needed most (whether it's the offense's fault or not - lotta dumb penalties, lotta missed tackles, lotta blown coverages). Special teams is hit or miss. And most of all, the coaching is absolutely terrible. The team is hardly ever prepared, and is undisciplined both on and off the field. Sanchez sucks, no doubt about it. But he's not the only one. If Rex makes a QB change any time between the first McElroy stint and 47 seconds left in the 4th quarter this past Monday, we likely still have a shot. That stupid bitch rode Sanchez until A. his career was pretty much shot and B. the team had no chance any longer this year. So, on the field we may not seem like a bad team with a 6-9 record, middle o the pack, blah blah blah. But we're a JOKE of a franchise that is a LONG LONG way from competing.
The Jets aren't bad, they are mediocre. Which can be worse than outright terrible if the front office thinks overpaying one big free agent would be enough to make everything better.
The disparity between good and bad in the NFL is not as great as it is in other leagues. The saying "any given Sunday" can also be said for full seasons. With the right mix of personnel moves, schedule and just plain luck a team can go from awful to playoff bound after just one off-season. So yes we are not as bad as the analysts would have you believe. But then again we were never as good as Tanny and Rex thought we were either.