No way i take that shot outside of 20 yards. Still not sure i do it then. I swear by tinks. Put some in the little orange tink bomb bottle, hang it 20 yards from your stand. I have had bucks walk right up to it. I don't do mocks or scrape drippers though. If the deer are using the scrape no need to mess with it.
Thats the bottle. This is the scent:
Is that a tracer round? What is the lighted element? And excuse my ignorance but why is that a shot you wouldn't advise taking? I've never hunted, curious as to what you mean. That guy bled out quick. _
Lighted nocks on the arrow, they work great. A frontal shot is generally a small kill zone, unless it hits the heart. Low % shot, but very effective.
yup. the lighted knocks are the tits. when your fire your arrow it turns the led on allowing you to see better where you hit. to add to what you said the front of the animal has a lot of big strong bones that arrows may not penetrate. fine shot with a gun but very difficult with an arrow. you generally want to go in right behind the front leg from a side angle.
Yea. Inside the orange tinks bomb bottle is a wire with wick material. Olen yhe bottle and the wire will pull out enough to hang on a branch. When are you back in ?
Thanks. If a million things break right I'll be able to get out a bit tomorrow night, but most likely Saturday morning.
Holy shit, I am an idiot. I though that was a rifle shot with a tracer or something--didn't realize that was an arrow shot. I will say, incredibly impressive. _
that's insane. i wonder what he did with the bear. get a full mount with his hat hanging out of its mouth?
saw 5 doe and 2 fawns this morning, no clean shot available. if it were gun season I'd be eating backstrap for dinner. going to try and get out for dusk for the first time this year. pretty calm day out there ... very nice
heading out soon. hunting the afternoon than back in the same stand in the a.m. this will be my last weekend in this plot of woods for a couple of weeks. going to start hitting a farm in 3m. its been doe only for the first 2 weeks there. didn't want to touch it until i can shoot a buck. don't want to be tempted into breaking a law
This is my first year bow hunting - what's the deal with no doe for 2 weeks? Is that a specific zone?
This is the first time they done something like this. 3m was designated doe only for the first 2 weeks due to high numbers.i don't think any other wmu was tagged also. What zone are you?
not 3m, lol. didn't see a thing in the afternoon. hopefully trying again tomorrow morning if I'm not sick. good luck to you. so you're going to the buck spot for the first time tomorrow?
yea back to the buck spot. saw 6 deer there this afternoon. 3 does and a fawn stayed just out of range and 2 spikes came crashing in at sunset. think they smelled the tinks. gave them a pass. something else came in when i was climbing down. not sure what, heard it spook out and crash away. good afternoon sit. last week i was spooking deer out when i hunted that spot in the mornings. good luck to you
sunday was a skunked sit. heading out thursday after work. starting to see some fresh scrapes and a few rubs. anyone seeing anything?