Bad quality good buck though. Been out 3 afternoons in 2 different stands haven't seen anything yet. Slow start
yea, he is beast. no prior history with him though, think he is just passing thru. that video is right next to a stand we can only hunt in the afternoon so I wouldn't have been there but I was supposed to be close to there that morning but decide to sleep in instead. who knows if I see him if I go but it still hurts a little. starting to see some scraping and had a couple people say they seen some fighting between younger bucks. this cold snap will help get things moving. next weekend looks good.
weather looks good for this weekend, jumping in a stand after work tomorrow. best thing about bow season is every weekend is better than the last as we get closer to the rut.
Wind direction doesn't look good from my stand this weekend, I may try doing a make shift ground blind somewhere else
i actually have decent winds for where I plan to be this weekend. first spot the camera has been kinda slow, but its a stand I can get to quickly from work. my sunday spot i'm cutiously optimistic about. also will be checking a new wild games camera I just set out sunday.
knew better than to hunt hard on the full moon but did anyway. saw nothing. do have another nice one on a camera. big wide 7 with no brow tines. real good buck. will post a video tomorrow. those $50 wgi cameras are really impressing me. nothing fancy about them but the video quality is pretty good. definitely getting more than you pay for, which is rare nowadays
This is the wgi micro 5 camera. $39 on sale at dicks. Can't really complain about the picture quality. I think i am done spending $100s on a camera. Until i breakdown and get one of the cellphone service cameras.
big time cold front moving through this weekend. Saturday might not be doable with gale force gusts possible but sunday morning should be pretty good. my 3f spot has been pretty much dead and the 3m farm only showing night movement. this weekend should change that though. expect deer to be on their feet all day sunday and rubs and scrapes to start showing up in force. some areas in the catskills and north could even be hunting in snow sunday a.m.
did the first 3 and last 3 hours of daylight yesterday. a little spike got a pass as he walked right under me. the afternoon saw a big body but too far way to know what it was. cameras were very slow, dreaded october lull, hot weather and finishing up the full moon. has to be all those excuse, no way i have the cameras in bad spots. next 2 hunt if you can days will be wednesday afternoon in front of thursdays low pressure and friday morning on the heels of the system. things will start getting rutty quickly now.
I'll just say whoever came up with the idea of twins is an asshole. Everyone is healthy, just lacking sleep and hunting time. I did get out twice for a few hours. Wanted to go out yesterday morning and could have but the winds were whipping like a mofo so I decided to rest up.
weather wise this weekend should be good. some rain around but i think overnight saturday to early sunday a.m. if that helps. the good thing about babies, they wake you up around the time you need to be getting ready to head out, the bad thing is, you are sound asleep in the stand when the deer walk by. good luck
Sat out for several hours yesterday morning, didn't see or hear a damn thing. I should have known after waking up to the dogs barking at the coyotes outside. Went to pull the card on one of my trail cams and it was gone. I figured someone stole it then looked at the base of the tree and there it was, with the little bungie's that held it on all torn up. I didn't get any photos of the culprit, just normal photos, then a few white out photos then sky. Next weekend should be pretty rutty though, hopefully the weather and coyotes cooperate.
probably squirrels NSN, i've lost a few straps to them chewing bastards. eventful week, lost a doe i hit wednesday afternoon, lost the blood trail after 200 yards, and the rain started too early for me to get back on it thursday a.m. think i sliced the brisket, clean blood on the arrow, she might live. might i've been a yard or 2 off on the distance. weird reaction from her. she bolted 10 yards then just kinda hung around for a while before leaving the same way she came in, walking the whole way. had a doe bust me this morning, she knew i was there the whole time, didn't spook out but kept an eye on me so i couldn't get drawn. thats my gun stand, so optimistic about some meat coming soon. i have coyotes on 3 different cameras around the farm everyday this week. my 3f spot has been ice cold, very few deer and only at night. no acorns and nothing else to hold them, this beast passed through though: not even pretending i have a shot at him
Has he shown up on camera during daylight? Had a 4 pointer just hanging out in the field behind my house today. Usually only see for out there. Must be getting rutty
no daytime movement yet, pretty sure tat guy was just passing thru.2 cameras running al summer and thats the first look i have of him. i've pretty much moved away from that spot. just hasn't been the traffic there usually is. this friday afternoon is another one of those get in if you can days. rain all day thursday and a 15 degree temp drop on friday. informed the boss i will be leaving early. friend said he saw a buck chasing a doe this evening from his stand. both deer on a flat out run, things are definitely getting rutty. next 3 weeks are what we wait all year for in the deer woods. just need the weather to cooperate. this weekend is a good start. high pressure and average to below average temps. good luck here you go, i use this in a few spots where the trees might be too small or wanted to get the camera more elevated.and the rodents won't eat it.