No matter. The next time the Jets go to the SB and win it the papers will insist it was an optical illusion.
i believe anything could happen.. we could win the SB as soon as this year, there are always surreal things tht happen. i mean how many of you thought the patriots team would win the SB going into that first year of brady. Anything is possible.
Assuming Chad is healthy, the factors that will determine our success are as follows: 1. How fast can the OL gel together. 2. How fast can we install the new offense. 3. How fast can we install the new defense. Other than that, we have the talent. It's going to be a matter of experience at this point, and I see no reason why items 1-3 cannot be accomplished by mid-season, at the latest. Second half of 2006 we will be a playoff calibre team. Whether or not we make the playoffs will depend on just how poor our record is in the first 8 games.
A half a year for a new O-line to gel together is extremely optimistic. The Lines, especially the O-line, have to function as a unit. They have to know and understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, be able to anticipate what each other will do, and they have to know each other. If you change one player on the OLine it takes while for it to get back to normal. But with the amount of turnover and the youth on this team, it is going to be even longer. 6 months to gel is unrealistic, IMO. It is going to take a year to a year and a half before you see it all come together. Good thing though is with all the youth once they gel, the Jets will have a great Oline, IMO, for 10 years. Just gotta be patient.
It doesn't necessarily take a long time for an OL to gel together if the right players, system, and coaching are put in place. By your logic, one injury on the OL will render it useless for the remainder of the season. Keep in mind that Kendall, Moore, and Jones have all played together in the past and they will most likely make up 3/5 of the starting line. A much bigger factor for our success will be how long it takes the rookies on the OL to adjust to the NFL level.
There are too many variables for me to try to answer that one. I would say 3-4 years seems logical but there are so many things we don't know about the team. Players will come and go or succeed or fail. Get older too. But we know nothing of our coaching stall. Manigi may be a Kotite on us. He may also be a Parcell's(not Bellecheck. He didn't do so well in Clev.) After this coming year is when we should get a better feel for how close we are.
Of one player gets hurt there are backups, and the rest of the line has practiced with the backups. They know them. That is a bad evaluation of my statement. A change in the line will always affect play. It would not render is useless, but it would lower the level the line is playing on. With better backups and coaching it won't have as much of an effect, but there will be an effect nonetheless. System and coaching only go so far when it comes to the lines. It has to operate as a unit. Each player has to know the others strengths and weaknesses, and be able to compensate. The center will have to know how his 2 guards will react to a blitz or a defensive shift, etc. They have to know each other and be able to read one another to be effective. Granted the more experience and talent you have might will make this go faster. However, the more turnover you have the more time it will take, and this includes the backups. 2 new starters (Brick and Mangold), Jones changing positions, Teague and Clement as new backups, Cavka coming back from injury, and some young guys moving up the depth chart. That is alot of turnover on a unit whose production is directly related to familiarity. If you replace one guy on the OL, even with a vet, there is growing pains. I remember when Kendall first came in, it took a few games for the unit to get back to normal. It is just how it works on the lines. People are just going have to be patient. But half a year with all the turnover and new faces is asking a lot. It might, if they all click from the get-go, but I wouldn't count on it.
Well I guess we must agree to disagree. I was just going by your statement: I understand that an OL needs some playing time together in order to "gel" as a unit, but I feel as though this task can be easily attained if the right personel, coaching, and system are in place. These guys have been playing OL since they were in grade school, and I just can't believe that it would take so many months for them to "gel" if they really are professionals and elite at their positions. All OL at the NFL level know the general shifting/blitzing rules or else they would never have made it this far. It will definitely take some time to grow as a unit, but 6 months is more than an entire NFL football season, and I believe it to be an exaggerated estimate. Teague, Clement, and Cavka are backups so their progress will not be a big factor (barring injuries), and Jones is moving back to the position where he originally started. Like I said in the previous post, Kendall, Moore, and Jones all know each other already, so their "gel" time should be insignificant. The much bigger question mark at this point IMO is how long it will take the rookies to step up into a big role. Besides for that, the wrinkles will get ironed out by the end of September, way quicker than your 6 month estimate.
I cant beleive anybody would put the jets below buffalo. Buffalo doesnt deserve to be in the NFL. Dick Jouran is a proven LOSER and could be outcoached by a high school coach. :bills_suck:
this is very old because on the first page for the pats they said as long as the 3 remain BB, tom brady, Adam how ever you spell his last name he was their kicker but now he is on the colts.
How far are the Jets from a Super Bowl? In miles, it varies every year. In years, who knows....................
We win the super bowl this year. Which is what I say every year. Which is why this is what the Jets are usually like for me(Even though this video was meant for eagles fans, I think we deserve it more):
Well if history has anything to say since it is now over 37 years since the last one we sorry to say have been chosen to be in the wilderness for another 37 years Tan & Man or no Man & Tan