While Woody completely sucks, I think that's a misguided statement to make. Considering his youth (by ownership standards) and his desire, Woody is probably going to own the NYJ for a long time. Somewhere along many years, the right mix of talent/luck could culminate into a championship season for any owner. Woody has put his hands in the cookie jar too often sure, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. Woody might be pushing for players/staff for the wrong motivations, but at least he isn't incredibly cheap or anything.. Even if he was, cheap ass owners sometimes win superbowls. I think a more accurate statement would be - "I don't think the Jets will have the proper mix of management and principles top to bottom, to rightfully contend for superbowls on a year to year basis with Woody as owner. " I would agree to that, because Woody sucks- but anything can happen right???
if we get into the playoffs I belive we will lose this years AFC Championship game so there you have it, We always play really good in the playoffs
If they make the playoffs without a bye, 3 games away from contending for one. With a bye, 2 games away from contending. Missing the playoffs, a year away.
When have the Jets succeeded with a surge of young talent recently and then turned that into anything sustained?
We win the Superbowl at Metlife Stadium next season watch, it would be worth the 50 year wait,First home team ever to do it
I'm really surprised to see some posters say a year or so. It's almost a certainty that Mark will be back next year. So throw out 2013. This team is far away from contending. We have serious questions at almost every single position. No lie almost every position. I've said for a while now. We need a big overhaul. New coach , new gm , new QB. We will never contend with the current group. Only homers think we have a shot anytime soon. Besides the obvious few , what team would trade for any of our players? That tell you a lot about our talent. We have been terrible at drafting players and spend too much money on old players. That has to stop immediately. Truth is we blew our load a few years ago. It will be at least 4-5 years before we have any hope.