How does Rex stay blame free?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KWJetsFan, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I keep thinking about the fact that the Baltimore Ravens organization who knew him better than anyone, did not want him to be their head coach. I was flabbergasted today when I heard him say at the press conference after the game, that he did not know why Homes wasn't out there. Who the hell is in charge??? I loved Eric Mangini as our coach, that would never have happened to him.
  2. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    Rex definitely deserves some blame. He is the head coach, and when you make lofty predictions, you deserve blame when you don't come through on your predictions. He isn't the biggest problem with this team though. He has given this team an identity, whether you like it or not, so he isn't going anywhere anytime soon, unless the Jets only win like 2 games during one of these years.
  3. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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  4. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    The problem is that the identity that he gave the Jets isn't a desirable one.
  5. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    What, you don't like being the loudmouth underachievers of the league?
  6. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    he looks and sounds so stupid saying this shit. Yet, he refuses to call out his players who make his dumbass predictions false
  7. AlbanyJets

    AlbanyJets New Member

    Dec 24, 2011
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    He sure has. "Loud mouths who can't back it up on the field." Awesome identity.

    The Jets are currently the NFL's joke. The team who's coach predicted a Super Bowl, who engaged in trash talk all year and then didn't even post a winning record, let alone make the playoffs.

    But at least they're relevant, right? Irrelevance comes next season if they post a similar record. Acting stupid has a shelf stop getting headlines for being a clown when your team isn't remotely interesting.
  8. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Rex is getting a pass for the teams previous success but he (along with tanny) are the biggest reasons for the mess this season.
  9. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    100% agree.

    I actually think it's Rex's typical post game horse shit though. He seems to be at the point where you cannot take anything he says, good or bad, seriously.

    Regardless, Rex saying he didn't know why Holmes wasn't in the game down the stretch is embarrassing for a head coach. Ranks up there with why he claimed he didn't realize the Jets had thrown the ball 60 times vs the Giants (30 in the 1st half).
  10. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    That makes no sense. Rex IS the team leader.
  11. Oh PLEASE!

    I'm so sick of people buying into EXACTLY how the media wants people to react to Rex. Tell me..other than saying his team is better, what has he ever said in negative connotations regarding an opponent? All this "Rex talks trash" is complete BULLSHIT blown out of proportion by the "No fun league" media who want to create a story about nothing.

    You wanna blame Rex for something? Blame him for having overconfidence in himself and his team. Does that make him some of kind of trash talking scumbag? Sorry it doesn't.

    Giant Biased local media & opposing fans that will look for any excuse to hate the Jets have turned Rex into this monster that just doesn't really exist. It's absolutely PATHETIC.

    That said...if Rex ever DOES get this team its first ring in going on 43 years.. I hope he talks more trash than Ali at a Washington Generals shoot around.
  12. AlbanyJets

    AlbanyJets New Member

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Uh...saying your team is better is talking trash. His whole act about how the Jets are the best team in New York and he wants to prove that he has the best team in the city was a pretty clear example. It may not be particularly bruising trash talk, but it continues to make him and the Jets look silly. Which was exactly in line with my point about how the "identity" he's formed for the Jets is a pretty lame one.

    I never said that Rex Ryan is mean-spirited or nasty. I don't believe that he is. But he's a woofer, and his team seems to buy into that...but they really don't justify it.
  13. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    To quote a few:

    Rex on Peyton Manning:
    "Nobody studies like [Manning]. I know [Tom] Brady thinks he does and all that stuff," Ryan said. "I think there's probably a little more help from [Bill] Belichick with Brady than there is with Peyton Manning."

    Why take a shot at Brady? He didn't call him an asshole, but he took an unnecessary shot at him. Is that the guy you need to piss off?

    Rex on the Chargers and Norv Turner:
    "Well, I think I would have had a couple rings. I'm telling you, those teams were loaded. There's no question about it."

    That's a dumb comment that may well cost us a shot at getting Turner to be our OC. Don't say it wasn't a big deal, because Rex issued an apology for it.
  14. having utmost confidence in your team is silly? Think about that for a second...

    You only think it's silly b/c everytime Rex says something confident the local media lights up twitter,blogs and 5 pm news hour with "Oh my god..look what Rex said now." They overanalyze it to a pulp which gets the fan base all riled up and gives opposing fans another reason to hate..but think about it. " I believe my team is better and that we will win." Shouldn't that BE a coaches attitude regardless of who the upcoming opponent is or what shortcomings his own team has?

    Oh my Rex! How could you? PLEASE!
  15. Panzerhaubitze

    Panzerhaubitze New Member

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Blame from who?

    Fans (they already do).

    Media (they will this offseason).

    Ownership (think Mr. Johnson will post here to tell us?)

    What does "blame" do anyway? Does laying of blame create a better team? Does fans blaming Rex make Rex change his ways and stripes?

    I'm at a loss as to what such a touchy-feely yet amorphous idea such as "taking the blame" will help the franchise.

    What I want, is the Front Office to look at what worked, what didn't, and dump what didn't.

    Thats not laying blame, thats running a business.
  16. AlbanyJets

    AlbanyJets New Member

    Dec 24, 2011
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    No, making public predictions and proclamations that you and your team can't back up is silly.

    The fact that you can't separate what he thinks from what he says is a little strange.
  17. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    much in the same way us fans put up with Sanchez when we are playing in the AFC title game, we put up with Rex Ryans dumbass guarantees and predictions when we are playing in the AFC title game. When we are an 8-8 team that loses to the Broncos, Raiders and Dolphins in the manner that we did, he needs to not only STFU!!! but the next guarantee I wanna hear from him is that we will not hear another word out of him until he speaks to us in the post game conference after he and the NY Jets wins the SB
  18. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    I blame him for the country club no accountability culture.

    Seeing how he handles this offseason will be telling.

    Jeez our "captains" Eric Smith, Sanchez and Holmes were all horrible.
  19. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I will agree with you. They are the NFL Joke. Everyone thinks the Jets are greatly overrated, but I would rather be overrated than be the Rams who just flat out suck and no one can name 5 players on their team. The Jets are at least relevant.

  20. Example 1- The opponent was the Colts and not New England.He was giving Peyton Manning a compliment. Secondly, is what he said untrue? Do you think Brady would disagree? Surely even smug arrogant Tommy needs to give accolades for SOME of his success to Mr. Belichick?

    Example 2- This one is legit however..the Jets DID beat the Chargers and I took this as more of a "slip up" as Rex seemed to almost immediately regret saying it. No excuse but still not the work of some sinister bully.

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