That's a good idea. If you can't handle getting owned in a debate, it's best to cast a wide net with the ignore button. It'll save you a lot of frustration. Happy to have helped you find that :up:
Travis Henry has 10 kids by 9 mom's, is out of football and now in jail..I wonder how those baby momma's feel now. Cro better stay good at football for a long time or he's screwed cause he sure isn't the smartest tool in the shed.
henry's not in jail cus he didn't pay child support. i'm pretty sure he's in jail because he ran a fucking drug ring lol
On whether he comes back or not, it will depend on the dollars. Too high he won't, low enough he will. Next! The Next question assuming (which I DON'T think will happen) that he's not signed, is who plays #2 CB. If the answer is Wilson, I will be very concerned. That about covers it.