How can we beat the Pats?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Tony, Sep 2, 2007.

  1. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Mark my words- if we score more points, the Jets will be victorious!
  2. FatStupidLoser

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Dramatically upgrade the o-line.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Play Action from a 3 wide set, Looking for Stuckey's young legs in the middle of the field.

    When they adjust go to a classic 2 back set, mixing Barnes and Washington in and out, and catch them by play action to Leon, coming through the guard tackle hole on what looks like a blocking assignment...

    There should be several opportunities to exploit the older LB's and AT's up the field proclivities, using Stuckey and Washington.
  4. patschick

    patschick New Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    The official season is here! Nothing like a divisional game to get things started. First off - I will say that I'm looking forward to the game and pray that both teams leave the field healthy.

    Anything can happen in this one. These 2 teams know each other very well. Yes, we are without Harrison and Seymour. The loss of Harrison is going to hurt us more than the loss of Seymour. We have great depth on the defensive line of scrimmage. I am not worried about that. I am worried about our backfield though without Harrison there. We'll see if Wilson can actually have a good game without him.

    Our offense is still learning to work with each other. There will be missed oportunities there. Bad timing - running wrong routes, etc. However, we still have Gaffney from last year, Wes Welker who has been active all camp and preseason plus 4 TE's.

    Maroney is healthy again and we also have Faulk, Morris and Evans to take some reps. I'm not worried about our run game.

    I'm not ready to crown us the winner here. I expect a hard fought battle against two teams who are very familiar with each other. May the team that executes the best win:)
  5. MayoGate

    MayoGate Active Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    Damm.. I forgot about He was a thorn last year for the Jets in the playoffs.. Clearly last year has nothing to do with this year, and especially this game (Right Jets fans?).. I hope he continues his ways if he even gets in the game..
  6. jetsfan4ever80

    jetsfan4ever80 New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    I think we need to have a lot of movement on D and to pressure Brady as much as possible, and hopefully get him to throw some erratic passes which would hopefully in turn give us the up side in TO's, especially given that he has a brand new receiving core which I'm sure he isn't fully acquainted with. I also think we need to have a balanced offensive game with Jones running well to allow Pennington to utilize the play action to his best.
  7. Tony

    Tony Bipedal, Reformed

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Now this is insight that you just can't get anywhere else. :grin:
  8. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    The loss of Seymour and Harrison is a blow to the Pats. Couple that with Moss missing pretty much the whole pre-season (surprise, surprise), and Brady and the receiving corps still getting their timing down, and I think this may be the Jets best, and possibly ONLY, chance to win a game from the Pats this year.

    Having said that, if I had to make odds on the game, I'd give the Pats about a 55% chance of winning, just slightly better than a toss up.

    I have not seen the Jets in preseason, but I still am not impressed by their offense, unless they're improved running game REALLY comes together.
  9. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    We just need to show up, the GPC will take care of the rest..
  10. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    theres nothing improved about it, we never needed thomas jones. we needed run blocking.

    oh well.
  11. Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi Banned

    May 4, 2007
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    GPC? The Gay Pride Cheerleaders?
  12. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Thomas Jones is a MAJOR upgrade over Kevan Barlow and Cedric Houston. It's stupid for you to say we never needed him. Teams will actually have to gameplan against Jones/Washington, before everyone knew Barlow/Houston were going right up the middle.
  13. tangini_disciple

    tangini_disciple New Member

    May 1, 2006
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    Jets O v. Pats D:

    The key will be slowing the game down. We do not want to get into a shootout and we want to take advantage of their weak right side. The linebackers are slow, and they don't have their big hitter at safety, so we should be able to run a little bit on them. I think the keys here are sweeps and off-tackle plays that grind 4 yards on first/second down. If we win the time of possession battle, it should at least come down to the fourth quarter.

    The other thing this allows us to do is take two shots for big plays during the game. Chad's one of the best in the league at play-action and if he can freeze their safety, we'll have opportunities for some big plays. The key here, though, is patience. We have to set up those plays by running quite a bit and keeping the game close. We have to stay out of third-and-longs, and when we do, not be afraid to dump off and let Leon do something. Punting isn't the worst thing in the world.

    Jets D:

    Everyone seems to think the Pats O is just so much improved, but IMO, it hasn't improved that much. My guess is that Dillon will be missed more than they think and that Moroney won't be nearly as effective being the man. They're going to try to smack us in the mouth, and we have to stand up to them and smack back. That means playing tough, physical football, and killing their TE's. Linebacker play over the TE will probably determine the success of their running game. On pass defense, we obviously need a pass rush, but if we can get them into some obvious passing situations, we should be golden. Bowens was signed specifically for this sort of thing and he should provide a good deal of pressure. Bringing Rhodes/Revis on blitzes wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

    In any case, I predict a tough, hard-fought, defensive battle. If we keep it close till the 4th, I think we can win with some tough, grind-out yards.
  14. bpjets

    bpjets New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    How do we beat them?????? They don't show up
  15. PMCRW

    PMCRW New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    :eek:hmy: WTF??
  16. NYJ 13A

    NYJ 13A New Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    I feel like everything said has definitely covered every aspect of the game. From coaching to special teams, we've pretty much summed up what it's going to take for us to be victorious, aside from being up by at least one point when regulation is over. But there is ONE other aspect of the game I believe will help this team:


    Mangini has instilled a level of discipline, belief, and game planning well enough to have every player that's on the roster believe that they can go out and beat the Pats. If they don't believe they can fluster one of the NFL's most coveted teams, they won't. But I believe, come Sunday, Mangini will have the team ready to go and ready to win. I'm dying for it to be Sunday morning and having no voice on Monday. Other than that, pretty much everything on beating the PATS on this great thread has been answered.
  17. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Teams that have beaten the Pats do so by harassing Brady. When hurried and knocked down frequently, Tommy Boy throws INTs and INCs like any other QB. That's how the Dolphins beat them last season.

    If you give him time, he'll beat you just about every time.

    Good luck on Sunday!!!
  18. patsox23

    patsox23 Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    LOL - whaaat? I'm measuring the Pats against the jets because - newsflash - we're PLAYING you this weekend. Honestly, I don't know where the Hell you guys come up with this stuff - Pats are "on the decline?" This is - WITHOUT QUESTION - THE most talented Patriots team in years. What color is the sky in your world?
  19. patsox23

    patsox23 Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    Wow. Let's take this slow.

    1) On what do you base your "knowledge" on when I became a Patriots fan? I started following the team in 1977 and haven't stopped since. That's through the Rod Rust year, McPherson, the Carroll years, and everything in between.

    2) Seau is terrible now? Really? Because ask anyone who followed the Pats last year, up until he broke his arm Seau was arguably among our most productive LBs and certainly was the biggest surprise on the team. Is he even CLOSE to Seau in his prime? Of course not. But he's playing back-up LB in a rotation. We're not leaning on him for elite play.

    3) Random wishful swipes at Moss and Stallworth. Would you like to bet on that? On how productive they'll be this season?

    4) Rodney's behavior is incredibly disappointing, I agree. I look forward to having him back when he's paid the price, though.

    5) Adalius Thomas is old? He's 30. You should try reading.

    6) Randall Gay I'm sure benefited from his time under Mangini. I think he probably developed a lot due to Belichick and Pees, and any number of other coaches, as well. By the way, why the FUCK do I care HOW he got where he is? Shouldn't I only care about how good he IS?

    7) Geno Wilson has been a disappointment the last two years, but I'm perfectly comfortable having him out there starting at safety - which he's done capably, 'though erratically at times, for the last 4 seasons, much of the time WITHOUT Rodney's presence.

    Yours is a HUMILIATINGLY naive, baseless, RETARDED post that I have just taken apart with pretty much NO EFFORT in about ten seconds. Do yourself a favor and don't take me on because I - armed with FACTS - will absolutely obliterate you every time.

    There are plenty of knowledgeable jet fans on here, and plenty of legit arguments to make. You've made nary a one. You just made yourself look incredibly stupid with this crap. Do yourself a favor and listen to the ACTUAL jet fans here. You might learn something, you little F-ing rookie.
    #99 patsox23, Sep 4, 2007
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2007
  20. patsox23

    patsox23 Member

    Aug 16, 2007
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    LOL. With every post you dig yourself deeper. This is idiotic. Hysterical, though. Please, by all means, keep it up, mongoloid.

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