The Jets may be the second team in New York, but it still has more people as a part of its base than 75% of the league. Why on earth would it make sense to move a team that sells out every game, is in the largest media and sports market in the world, to a totally different continent. Are you out of your fuckn' mind?
No, no, no, and no. Playing a single game in London presents a HUGE disadvantage for the teams that have to fly out there. Imagine having to play 4 freaking games a season out there. You could automatically kiss the playoffs goodbye.
Did I not just post that there is a football league in Italy??? And they are pulling in as many fans as the Raiders and Jacksonville are!
Your missing the point, the level of football we talking about is Pro. Like many leagues in europe (spits) its at its best as good as US high school level. Nothing more.
It's really not that bad for teams, it's equivalent of a west coast to east coast flight....and not that much of a disadvantage really, look at who has come over: Year 1 - dolphags (were already sub college level) v gints (went on to win Superbowl) Year 2 - Saints (8-8) v Chargers (8-8) two middling teams, one of which made the playoffs and took out the Colts Year 3 - Bucs (much the same as the '07 dolphags) v cheatriots (pains me to say it, but they're still likely to be in the mix come season's end.) It's not like any of the previous four teams saw their form nose dive horrifically after coming over. OK, the "home" team is 1-2 in these games, but I doubt the results would've been much different played anywhere else. I'm not saying these games should stay on the schedule, I don't agree with stealing what is 1 of only 8 home games from a set of fans, but, the whole idea that it's a massive disadvantage to travel over, time zones etc are just whiny assed excuses not particularly borne out by the results so far.
Not trying to argue, but isn't it about the same as having to fly to Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego and Seattle last year? London is only 500 miles longer of a trip. To me, once you're in a plane for 6 hours, what's one more hour?
No thanks, not sure of any reason why I would want to play in London, messed up travel sked, jet lag, play for people who don't really care? lose-lose imo
I'd prefer something similar to NFL Europe where each NFL team sponsors a European team and uses them as their "AAA" or minor league franchise. The teams would carry the same basic colors, logos and names (i.e Milan Jaguars, Glasgow Jets etc) with modifications of course. That way, fan interest in those European teams can carry over to the parent club over here. Conversely, American fans would pay attention to their triple A club over seas. You don't think football fans in Dallas wouldn't watch the Madrid Cowboys play the Dublin Giants? It would be like our current practice squads, but obviously large enough to play games and compete. The only drawback that I see is that there may not be enough Euro cities for all of our teams. Any thoughts on this? I happen to think it is a spectacular idea. ; )
The problem with this is that again we get to see second rate NFL players and interest dwindles like it did for NFL Europe. I think there are a lot of cities in europe that could sustain a franchise but not carrying on supporting second rate action. I would not mind there being a franchise over here but in all preference what i would prefer is that 4 games a season are played in london. Those 4 games are made up of 8 differenct teams. That way europe gets each of the teams visiting once every 4 years. I love coming over to NY to see the Jets but its expensive for me, so would like it if every now and again i could see them locally.
I agree that it would have a much better chance of flying than the old NFL Europe idea. Using actual NFL colours and names would automatically tap into the fan base of that team and give them a reason to care. Then, the fact that the team is a farm team and that you might be seeing future Jet/Saint/whatever players in action would be another hook.
Ok finally saw this GUS!! well London, has its problems but also it has all the jobs. Hence why the whole of europe flock here. I dont mind it being multicultural but the problem can be that area's of london are becoming like ghetto areas for certain cultures. Just down the road from where i live its like being in Poland, the pub there all the menu's are in polish. Dont get me wrong I like the polish but i want it to still be england as well. Sorry taking this off topic, but Gus comes from Newcastle which is basically scotland and is a bit of a rough place. so had to retort.
Haha, basically Scotland !! :rofl: We 'al Scots we'or heeds bashed in :wink: Know what you mean. Don't want to turn this into bashing a particular race/culture. But down the road from us is a place called Spennymoor which DID have 2 big companies producing electrical goods. They happened to employ about 80% Polish, Latvian etc... eastern europe types. Well, they upped sticks and Poland...and guess what? The work force followed, and now there is just a big hole surrounded by mass unemployment and hopelessness. Indicative of country I'm afraid. Still got the best beer in the world here though, even if we don't have the football :smile:
Been an interesting read for a few pages. Personally, despite being born in London (near Wembley), I would never, NEVER want the Jets to give up a home game. I was in NY two weeks ago to watch us play the Bills (I use the term play loosely, of course) and despite the result I loved it. I guess it helps that I can visit NYC and that I don't have to visit Bufallo, for example. An away game for ther Jets in London...great! We had a good number of Jets fans at Wembley, too. However, a London franchise is different. Firstly, I don't see a market big enough. Even if they represented the whole of England/Britain/UK, us UK based NFL fans already have our teams. So even a team based in my city of birth, would not and could not replace the Jets.
Excellent idea. Best one yet - I think the problem is NFL wants 80K people at the games like they do here. You can't expect that. 20 to 30 thousand, yes. As for AAA teams - you mean like this???