Hey guys Falcon Fan here

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Hot Rod, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. duketogo

    duketogo New Member

    Nov 14, 2004
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    You spelled "matter" wrong.
  2. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I heard it hear? Does that mean I heard it twice? I think you mean I heard it HERE first, English Major.....
  3. Cwdownz

    Cwdownz New Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Well I am a HUGE Vick fan. Now remember he is on his 3rd different offensive coordinator in 5 years. For 3 of those years he has been the starter. 02,04,05.
    Now in 02, and 04 he was simply lights out with his ability to create out of nothing. In 05 he had a rookie and a 2nd year guy as his main recievers. Who puts up huge numbers with that? Not even Peyton could have done it. Give him time fellas and watch what happens. In my opinion he will be one of the best ever when he gets some of the finer points of his game down better. I.E better footwork, better progressions through his recievers and so on. But thats just my opinion.

    Now as far as Jabbas post goes I sort of agree with you. When it is all said and done I hope the Falcons FO does give up Schaub to you guys for Abraham. I want him here pretty dang bad. That being said you guys know how this stuff works, its all a huge chess match to see who will blink first. None of us really know whats going on with all the phone calls and meetings and such. I just hope the Falcons get it done so JA doesnt end up with the Seahawks. Dam Tim Ruskell!
  4. Arthur Blank

    Arthur Blank New Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    Headline in the New York Post online edition:


    "multiple sources around the league told The Post that the Jets' asking price for him appears too high."

    "They might have to settle for a second-round draft pick for Abraham," one prominent league source told The Post. "I don't think anyone's going to give them a first-round pick for him."

    Denver, who was interested in Abraham has two first-round draft picks, including the 29th overall pick, and still the Jets and Broncos could not come to a trade agreement, presumably because Denver didn't want to part with either of its first-round picks.

    The Jets' problem, of course, is a serious lack of leverage.

  5. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Seattle is willing to give us a 1st rounder. Case closed. You can spin it any way you want but the bottom line remains you want abraham on your team - be willing to give up value for him. If not then please move on.
  6. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    No WAY! You mean the NEW YORK POST is criticizing the Jets? Will wonders never cease? Call the National Guard! Mark Cannizzaro stopped eating!
  7. ColezDeep!

    ColezDeep! New Member

    Mar 6, 2006
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    Is this guy kidding me? We might HAVE to settle? We don't HAVE to do anything. We can just sign him again and deal with it or ship him to Seattle, possibly Atlanta's bump in the road to the next Super Bowl only to have JA catch Vick every time he tries to take off....that's what they're scared of...step up Atlanta
  8. atlantafan1987

    atlantafan1987 New Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    the falcons will step up their offer if they feel that Abraham is about to crumble under the pressure. Until then they will wait it out and see how quickly the market dries up. There are reports that the Seahawks are interested in LB Julian Peterson so if they sign him they will be out of the abraham sweepsteaks. Then its just atlanta and you guys dont want to pay an 8 million dollar bench warmer. If I were the Jets GM I would never have let him wine and dine with the other teams until a tade deal had been reached with a team. Only once a deal had been reached would I have let him go check out the team thats interested in him. Blank has no doubt got abraham under his thumb at this point after 2 days of telling him what he wants to hear and he's taken the physical and agreed to a nice, fat contract. I want a deal done as much as you guys but I highly doubt the falcons will budge on schaub or the 1st round pick unless another team on the east coast enters the fray. Abraham has made it clear that he wants to say near his family in carolina so Seattle just isnt going to cut it for him.
  9. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Look you dumb hick, the Jets don't have to do a damn thing and if Abe wants that long term deal he covets he'll take it from Seattle or he won't get it at all ... then he can sit out and lose 8 million dollars {fat chance}, or play another year under the franchise tag and say novenas that he doesn't get hurt, at which point he hits the open market next year as a worthless injured player ... and if he does stay healthy, we'll just slap him with the franchise tag again

    See how it works, Jed Clampett?

    PS. Personally I'm hoping this dummy from South Carolina {yep, another dumb hick} blows that Seattle money cause I'm gonna LMAO when he gets stuck without that long term deal he wants so badly and had right at the tip of his fingers till that jackass Arthur Blank filled his hillbilly head with big ideas

    Now go away son .. go shoot a opossum or something

    Oh yeah, and thanks to the Braves for helping to make my Yankees the team of the 90's .... lotta fun kickin their @$$es in two world series and turning them into our own personal punching bags ... once again the Yankees rode into Georgia and torched that dump ... now you know how your great grand-daddy felt
    #69 Jabba the Jet, Mar 18, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  10. Cwdownz

    Cwdownz New Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Dam...thats pretty harsh. I live in the ATL and I am no where near a hick. My goodness is everybody from the south a hick?
    Anyway I just hope we get this deal done so we can all get on with our lives till the offseason is over and our real lives start again.
  11. Cwdownz

    Cwdownz New Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Also I would read the new CBA before I went calling anyone a dumb hick then posting a statement like that. Under the new agreement a player can only be franchised three times and on the third time he is in line to be paid according to the TOP FIVE PLAYERS IN THE NFL. So you can throw that garbage out about him being franchised again. Face it, you have to deal him now or get nothing next year.

    PS. Not all of us in the south have rednecks and wear overalls. Some of us are actually nice guys who like to talk football with alot of different people.
  12. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That's not meant for you, cw .. your good people and there are millions of good people in the south, including some of my own family .. that was meant for the dummies who are sincerely too stupid to see any leverage at all from the Jets side of the equation because it doesn't fit into their fairly tale little pea brain concoctions of stealing our defensive end for a set of steak knives .. these folks are borderline retarded if they think the Jets are just gonna roll over and play dead for John Abe

    PS. We have plenty of hicks in the east as well, only we just call them dummies
    #72 Jabba the Jet, Mar 18, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  13. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It's no big deal ... the Jets have a ton of money coming off the cap after this year, so they'll have more than enough to hold Abe hostage for two more years if they please

    In the meantime he has to hope he stays healthy this year just to collect next year as well, cause he's playing on a one year deal ... and if he gets hurt, he's out of luck ... and the last time I looked football was a collision sport, so that's a gamble he'll have to take
    #73 Jabba the Jet, Mar 18, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  14. Cwdownz

    Cwdownz New Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    I agree about the staying healthy. Thats a huge gamble. I am sure he wants to collect now and not chance another season without a long term deal and nice signing bonus. I agree also about the "hicks" hehe thinking the jets dont have any leverage. They have the contract rights to the man. its now up to the Falcons to see NYJ get fairly compensated, which I hope they do. You guys have one of the elite DE's in the market right now and deserve something for him. I personally wouldnt oppose Schaub and a second for him right now. Or maybe Ramsey and JA for Schaub and a second and fourth. I cant wait ttill this plays out. I love talking FA strategy with you guys.:grin:
  15. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    See what I mean, you're reasonable ... you want to make a good faith trade for a terrific and bona-fide impact player in his prime ... I respect that and if that was the Falcons approach from day one {as it was with Seattle} we'd already have a deal, but for some reason the Falcons decided there was a way they could heist the player for a song and a dance

    I don't wanna ripoff the Falcons either, I just want fair compensation for Abe ... I've been watching football for many years and I think I have a pretty good idea what constitutes fair comp for an impact player in his prime, at a premium position ... and it's ridiculous for the other team to pull their backup QB off the table in such a trade ... honestly, it's insulting ... it's basically telling the Jets we wanna steal the player, case closed

    Like I said cw, I can even understand the Falcons wanting to keep that #15 overall pick ... Abe is worth that pick in my view {he's way better than Tamba Hali who will go in that area}, but I understand the reluctance to trade a mid 1 ... the real insult was telling the Jets that their backup QB was off limits as well ... basically the two things you want, we're not giving you either of the two, we wanna steal your IMPACT PLAYER

    PS. If the Falcons come to their senses and this deal gets done, you can mark this down ... you guys are gonna love Abe as a player ... he immediately becomes the most dominant defensive player on your team, by far ... he really is the type of player who can WRECK A GAME all by his lonesome, that's why I call him an IMPACT PLAYER ... that's my definition of an IP
    #75 Jabba the Jet, Mar 18, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  16. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    The Schaub hype has now blown past the Cutler hype by several orders of magnitude. Two starts, both losses, and he's Dan freakin Marino. Putting 28 up agaianst NE was nothing special.... plenty of teams did that last year, they had no D backfield. Schaub hasn't proven squat.... to say he's better than a healthy Pennington is ridiculous.

    If Schaub is soooooo good, why does Vick start over him? Now we'll hear about what a stud Vick is.... please.
  17. L3JET

    L3JET Active Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Welcome aboard! That being said, could you please elaborate on how Schaub is ALREADY better then Pennington or Ramsey?

    Peace out.
  18. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Matt Schaub
    2005 Scouting Report - Scouts Inc.
    Grade: 65 | Key
    Alert: None

    Comment:Shows good top-end speed, is capable of getting outside the pocket and flashes the ability to make accurate throws on the run. Has adequate awareness and flashes the ability to step up when pocket starts to collapse around him. Possesses adequate ball skills, shows a good pump fake and does a decent job of selling play action. Plays with confidence, doesn't dwell on mistakes and is a leader on the field. Lacks great lateral mobility and doesn't excel at buying second chances in the pocket. Lacks the elusiveness to make defenders miss, doesn't show a second gear once in space and isn't a dangerous open field runner. However, he has the release, touch and accuracy to develop into an excellent backup once he cuts down on his mistakes, which should happen once he gets more comfortable with the offense.
    #78 hydro51, Mar 18, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2006
  19. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Patrick Ramsey
    2005 Scouting Report - Scouts Inc.
    Grade: 68 | Key
    Alert: None

    Comment:Ramsey has good overall athletic ability. He has above average speed and good quickness. He is not a scrambler that is going to kill you with his feet. He has limited lateral movement but will stand tall in the pocket when under fire. He is accurate on short to medium range passes and he has good arm strength. He has a tendency to throw behind the receiver and overthrows the long ball. He does not have the good pocket presence and has the ?happy feet? when he setting up. He failed to secure the football and had some fumbling problems. He has not shown a consistent ability to handle the blitz. He did a poor job of reading his hot receivers. Blitz recognition seems to be a problem.
  20. hydro51

    hydro51 New Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Chad Pennington
    2005 Scouting Report - Scouts Inc.
    Grade: 77 | Key
    Alert: D

    He rarely muffs a snap or hand-off and he does an excellent job of selling his play-action fakes. Is at his best when working off of the play-fake on bootlegs and roll-outs. Throws well on the move. Does a good job of getting the ball up and out of his hand quickly in the short-passing game. The biggest knock on Pennington, however, is his marginal arm strength. He struggles to drive the ball downfield in the vertical passing game. He can't fit the ball into a lot of tight spots that the majority of NFL starters can. His accuracy and consistency on the deep ball is below average. One of the reasons that he's more comfortable working outside the pocket is because it shortens the field for him. He struggles to get great zip on the deep out route. Shoulder surgery is reason for even more concern regarding his arm strength.

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