Heros and Goats

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by SettlerDawg, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I dont care the hero of that game was Darrelle Revis right there at the end.
  2. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I still maintain (I said in game thread as it was actually happening) that the decision to NOT go for the 2-point conversion the second time was a terrible game management decision by Mangini. I guess just because Nugent looked healthy again, he sent him in there to kick PAT without thinking. This made score 20-7, and after Phins scored again, 20-14, and the Phins were set up to WIN in the closing seconds. He should have gone for the 2 point again. You make it and its a 2 TD (14 pt) lead. You miss it and it's a 12 point lead -- two TD will beat you, but it'll beat you anyway if you just go for PAT. Yes it does open up chance for TD + 2 x FG (13 pts) to beat you, but this was near the end of the third quarter, three scores seemed a lot less likely than two touchdowns.

    I wrote all this even as Nugent was trotting onto field to kick the PAT, so it's not like it was that hard to figure out as it was happening. I also think I saw a quick cut to Favre and he seems to be holding up his fingers to say the same thing, but I'll need to see replay once I have it downloaded to be sure.

    This may seem like not a big deal, but just think if the Dolphins had scored in the closing seconds ... and then won by 1 point. Then I bet everyone would be talking about it.

    Also I'll repeat the other coaching criticism I made in thread: how do you NOT have a contingency plan in place if your kicker was hurt? IT seemed like they were running around asking who had ever kicked before, finally getting Clemens over to the net after much confusion ...
  3. FavreIsHere

    FavreIsHere New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    Agreed, end of story. The whole game he was good too, remember.
  4. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I've now watched a replay of this, and yes indeed Favre is holding up two fingers (pinky and pointer) to signal he thought they should go for two, and the camera cuts to Mangini shaking his head no and waving his fingers towards his face to signal him to come off field.

    Great camera work by CBS here.
    #44 puddnhead, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008

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