He was inactive - The Official Kenrick Ellis Excuses Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by abyzmul, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. gizmo253

    gizmo253 Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    I never ment to say i "hated" the guy. Its just upsetting to have so much promise for the guy every year and than POOF is gone. I guess its his right to have surgery his own way because it is his body, I just dont understand why he was so opposed to getting it done the "right" Proven way. Thats All.

    I Just had so much promise for the guy...
  2. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    You've made claims that our run defense is struggling because our starters are being taken out of games. Sione Pouha and Mike DeVito are starters, are they not?

    Our ILBs are top tier. Scott's lost a step, but Harris is an elite run stopper. We're going to hurt at OLB because Thomas is out. You know this. Maybin and Westerman will struggle against the run.

    Why aren't you giving any credit to Logan Mankins for keeping DeVito in check for most of the game? Rob Gronkowski also did a hell of a job blocking linebackers down the field.

    This team was out schemed. The runs out of shotgun, especially the direct snap on their last drive, were amazing adjustment calls. If you look at the personnel on the field for the Patriots' last offensive drive, you'll notice that Pouha and DeVito weren't out there for most plays. They attacked our line because our two best run stoppers were off the field.

    You're bothered by the fact that posters respect what I say.


    Enlisting help? Yeah, okay...

    Proving that other respected posters agree with me isn't enlisting help. It just backs me up even more.

    Don't you wish you had that kind of influence?

    Seriously, give it a rest, man. This whole popularity argument you're trying to make is such a fucking joke.

    It's time for you to get your head out of your ass.

    Again? ...well, at least you're consistent.
    #82 Mr Electric, Oct 11, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  3. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Funny, when I read your first response to me I was like "who is this guy, Mark Sanchez (board joke you'll get if you hang around long enough, which you should). But I get your pain/frustration. Hell, I share it since I went out and purchased a Jenkins jersey his last active year (which I got to wear a whopping 1 game). But that said, as you've pointed out, when healthy, he was a fucking force. And that's what I am hoping beyond hope Ellis becomes for us. I'm a fan of the big fat blocker clogging NT's, and on draft day (day 2 of 3- fuck you goodell) I was praying (to the extent I believe in that) that we would draft Ellis, so I have high hopes.
  4. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Ground 'n Frown
  5. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I was talking about your retarded claim that Pouha was one of the best NT's in the league with a comment about Pouha being dragged into the endzone by a runningback. You responded by telling me that Devito made a tackle in the backfield. Boink.

    Scott and Harris can't do it on their own, and if you're telling me that we'll just have to be content with sucking against the run, well, fuck that.

    Weren't you just bragging about Mankins being RAGDOLLED by Devito? Yeah, the Pats did a great job of blocking on Sunday. And our guys did a shit job disengaging. Chicken or egg? Egg or chicken?

    Like I said, I'll let you know exactly when they were out there, because there were plenty of runs that I saw 70 and 91 flopping around on the ground this morning when I buzzed through the shortcut of the game. And of course, you'll deny reality, because that's your thing.

    Not bothered. Astounded, after what I've seen from you this season.

    Yeah, I actually had trouble believing what I was seeing given your cocksure approach to anyone that questions your opinion, but there it is. You pussied out.

    Ah, that's the way you justify it to yourself. Gotcha.

    It's an unfortunate reality that I myself have benefited from in the past, regrettably. But that's okay. The Revolution is upon us! Behold! It's time to PULL OUR OWN WEIGHT! Get with it, E. You're quickly becoming yesterday's news.

    Oh, it's out. I left it in there for years watching pea-brains rooster it up and pretend that they were some kind of football guru slumming it on internet message boards. Nobody is on this site because they have just a bottomless, overflowing wealth of football knowledge and can't help but bestow it on the intellectually bereft masses of TGG as sort of a karmic tax write-off, least of all you. It's time a spade was called a spade.


    You'll be hearing it in your dreams soon.
    #85 abyzmul, Oct 11, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011
  6. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Did i just click on the Cromartie thread? I think I made a wrong turn somewhere.

    *checks map*
  7. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    No, you used a single play as an example and proved just how stupid that was.

    I feel like Ryan will start using four man fronts attempting to fix things.

    However, our run defense will continue to struggle if our offense can't keep them off of the field.

    That wasn't me, but thanks for playing.

    They were off the field for most of the Patriots last series. I clearly remember Nantz and Simms talking about it too.

    Glassy eyes. That's all I have to say when you bring up what I've done of this board this season.

    That is one of the dumbest threads that I've ever seen on this site. I was shocked that it was created by you.

    No, I was sick of making the same argument over and over again.

    All you have is the stupid ass "over-simplified" and "you suck at this" remarks. It's pointless to debate with someone like you.

    Showing that quite a few quality posters were on my side isn't pussying out. It shows that I was right, so dragging that argument on made no sense...because it wasn't getting through to you.

    NDmick disagreed with something you said, so you "deflected" it. That was gay and you pussied out.

    I'm still waiting for you to respond to Mack's post about Kenrick Ellis. You ignored my post about the Bilal Powell situation because you pussied out.

    You'd understand where I was coming from if others shared your opinion.


    You know what's sad about all of this? That you're serious.
  8. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Dis sum hot azz shit in dis thread. Cro cro be havin mad babbies wif dis back n forth.
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Badoink. I'm still waiting for the actual argument behind this whole 'one of the best NT's in the league' contention. Because apparently it's common knowledge and should be an easy argument to make. In fact, I'll make it easy for you. You can post a link to a previous post of yours where this common knowledge resides. Is it a post of a link to some obscure conglomeration of stats from a website somewhere?

    That sounds familiar.

    Cuz they're TIRED, right? Stop blaming the offense for the defense. (How's that? I took your cue of oversimplification to deflect a valid excuse... err I mean reason.)

    My bad, I saw you parrot the rag doll term and got you mixed up with MikeHoncho. At least I didn't blast some keyboard diarrhea tangent like saying Champ Bailey got torched in a game he didn't even play in.

    I wasn't talking about the last series, although now you're back-pedaling on your earlier stance that they were tired. You're not too hard to figure out.

    Your posts give me glassy eyes, because they are tired and sleep-inducing. Not surprised that this is what you'll come up with when you don't have shit. Which is all day every day, apparently.

    You mean because of my reputation? :wink:

    I doubt that, because your usual arguments seem to consist of remarking about blocks of shit and combustion deaths. Over and over again. You are without doubt a champion of repetition as well as small minds.

    Oh, I have much more than that, but those are the things you'll use to deflect and dismiss when you have no intelligent argument to provide. All day, every day. Along with the glassy eyes.

    Latching onto the opinions of quality posters and then passing them off as your own (see Puck's posts in the Cro thread) is closer to the truth, but you go ahead and get your internet self image back in order any old way you like.

    NDmick made an assertion and I disagreed with him in far more detail than his assertion included. Then I provided a bonus nugget of reality. Glad you caught that one. I'm sure it resulted in some pretty expletive-laden private messages.

    Bilal Powell - deflection. Thanks for bringing that up, I had totally forgotten.

    'Why isn't Ellis dressed on Sunday when our run defense sucks?'


    As far as Mack, I seem to remember have an exchange with him on page 1, and the only post of his I haven't responded to was one that was directed at 624. That fuck are you talking about?

    Oh, many do. You just choose to ignore them, along with numerous other aspects of reality.

    -.-- --- ..- / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / ... ..- -.-. -.- / .- - / - .... .. ...

    Not quite as serious as you are when you say things like "It's painfully obvious that I know more than just about anyone on this site." Also not quite as sad, by a longshot.
  10. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Name five nose tackles that are better than Sione Pouha.

    You can't.

    Oh, that's right. I forgot you invented the four man front...after you read Rex Ryan's book on the 46 defense.

    I will blame them until the end of days for most of the defense's struggles against the run.

    They were worn down.

    I didn't take that term from anyone. I remember using it to describe Ellis in the early stages of this thread.

    I admitted to fucking that up. Something you seem to think I can't do.

    I've been talking about the last series the entire time.

    How am I backpedaling? They were out of the damn game because they were gassed.

    You suck at this.

    No, because you're not Don.

    The block of shit "argument" happened once...probably over a year ago.

    You are without a doubt a champion of attention seeking threads. That's really all you've been doing these past few weeks.

    There's no possible way to debate with you. If I bring up numbers, you'll say that stats don't tell the whole story. If I give me opinion, it's over-simplified.

    It's gotten to the point that you're more pointless to argue with than junc.

    Where's your intelligent argument about why Ellis should be active? Can you prove he's a better option than DeVito, Dixon, Pitoitua, Pouha, and Wilkerson? No, you fucking can't.

    It feels like I've said this a million times: all you do is speculate.

    You're right. That's all I do. I have no opinions of my own.

    How is this a deflection? It's basically the same situation. They're both mid-round picks buried on the depth chart.

    Not about this.

    This is a message board...on the internet...not reality.

    Predictably gay conclusion.
  11. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Martin Tevaseu has been added to the active roster. I'm guessing Ellis is further behind than we anticipated. It could be unrelated, but I doubt it.

    EDIT: Before I get jumped on, this is in no way me criticizing his long term prospects.
  12. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Let's see what happens Monday night...

    Maybe Ellis will be active for MNF and Tevaseu will be wearing the street clothes.
  13. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    We all knew Ellis was raw as hell coming into the NFL.

    If he has to learn for the whole year, so be it
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The Jets are dying against the run lately and the big interior guy they drafted to bulk up the middle can't get on the field?

    Please. Reality bites but that's mainly because it is real.
  15. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    He was raw coming out of college.

    He had a wristband on in TC to help with the plays.

    He's going to need half a season before he spot starts at the very least. I've been saying this all season.

    Give the kid time.
  16. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is a pattern though at this point. The Jets drafted a RT from U Mass in the 2nd round last year and he's nowhere near ready to play at the NFL level if he ever will be. Now they've apparently drafted another big body from a small college who is not ready to play either and realistically may never be.

    Yes, the lockout really caused issues with training young players and getting them up to snuff but didn't we already know as of the 2010 draft that there would likely be a long lockout in 2011? The lockout was in effect during the 2011 draft.

    What was the problem here? Did somebody think they were a genius and could pick no names high in the draft and profit from it? Does this seem at all like the D-Rob fiasco?
  17. The Grim Revis

    The Grim Revis New Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    Ducasse and Ellis are two completely different cases.

    Very few NT's come in right away and play well. Adjusting to an NFL regimen without an offseason for a 300 pounder is pretty difficult.

    The fact that people are already worrying about him and saying he's gonna bust is asinine.
  18. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Remember Sione Pouha? He was labeled a bust and that everyone was shitting all over Terry Bradway for the pick due to his age and the fact that he did nothing through 4 years up until Rex Ryan came on the job.

    That Pouha pick in round 3 certainly doesn't look that bad now after he was a main cog towards the successful runs in 2009 and 2010 and being a good starter in 2011 too.

    Not everyone can be Suh and come from the gates and dominate. Even Gerald McCoy, the 3rd overall pick from last year didn't have the best year in 2010.
  19. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Stop comparing Vladimir Ducasse to Kenrick Ellis. It's borderline retarded.

    Ellis was one of the best high school players in the state of Florida and signed to play with South Carolina, a school that's a part of the best college football conference in the country. Off-the-field issues are why he ended up playing at Hampton.

    Ducasse had limited football experience and FCS talent when he enrolled at UMass.

    It's two very, very different situations.
  20. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I'm sure Cimini is loving every minute of this shit, I blame drugs.

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