I wonder how all of these things are connected, especially the Nat Geo magazine. What's the Minoans? Is it worth a google?
damn this show, it is strangely addicting only because I continue to hope there is some sort of supernatural shit that is going to happen. The asian girl did say that there were spiders under water in her sleep. Grandpa is a interesting character
Regarding the Minoan civilization: On Wikipedia, there was an interesting piece of information about their demise. Although the volcano didn't kill them off, some believe it led to a major crisis in their society, which ultimately led to their downfall. the volcano : departed event Perhaps?
Btw, bizarre how one of the departeds was in the fridge playing snuff games at the exact moment that he departed. Got me thinking, there must have been a million people who were talking to and/or directly looking at soon to be departeds at the exact moment of the event, yet we've never heard an eyewitness describe it. It's as if no one was looking at them, the baby in the back seat, the person driving alone? Nobody saw anything? _
This is something I've often wondered about within the show. No witnesses? I rewatched the opening scene, and right before Sam (the infant) is taken from the backseat, he's looking up (from his car seat) through the open window in the back. I don't know how much body language you can accurately interpret from a baby in those few seconds, but it seemed like he saw something right before he departed; the look on his face seemed deliberate. This still doesn't explain how no one saw what happened; but, those twins do speak about this (in the first or second episode when they're burying the dead dog with Jill), as it pertains to the dogs witnessing it.
My theory, and ONLY A THEORY is that those that departed are people that no one see them actually vanish. Like see them go *POOF MISSING*
It's possible it happened during his blackout, after she patched up his hand. And I agree, when we hear someone ask that question (about last night), there's often a sexual implication, and the way she asked was kind of provocative. The show could always return to that, after a bunch of shit has occurred and it's on the back burner in our minds; but, I don't think it happened.
[YOUTUBE] Also, just realized that he was crying incessantly and then abruptly stops crying right before he's taken. But I agree with Poeman. Maybe the only rhyme or reason - the only common denominator - to the departed is that no one actually witnessed them vanish. Another interesting thing about the volcano (Minoans) parallel is that a natural disaster doesn't choose a target. All of this time, I thought the departed were totally random, like a natural disaster. However, if every single departed person was in a way that no other person could see them vanish, well then, that's not totally random.