I think it's interesting that he openly talked about firing you, but then didn't fire you. It's possible that he's sandbagging you so you don't ask for a raise, or for any bonuses you may be due. You've said that you've met all your sales goals. Well, that's all that most employers care about, not "leadership traits," whatever the hell that means. Yes, by all means look for another job, but don't assume the job you have is over. If your boss really wanted to fire you, he would have already done so.
I only worked once for someone else and that was one too many before I quit and I started my own business....
Exactly, I knew I couldn't do sales because they don't value people. Not that nurses are valued much either.
Well, I won't go into any details but I was put on a one month probation once mostly because I said something I probably should not have said. I still work for that same company but my advice would be to start looking...
It's completely ridiculous to judge a salesman on leadership abilities. I can't fathom how leadership even enters into the equation for a sales job. The only "leadership" you need is "leading" the customers to give you their damn money. Period. Which you're already doing. The good news is that good salespeople are always in demand, and you can find another job within the 3 month probation period. You don't really want to work for a place that will treat you that shittily. And don't let them screw you out of your unpaid commissions when you leave either.