Sorry to tell you but it does not end when they turn 18, if the child is still in high school beyond the 18th birthday they can file for extension of support. In some states the support can go through until college. Jersey is probably the worst state as far as child support. Even when you don't take child support into account if they want to hassle you they will, especially if the kids go to college because that is just something else for the ex to screw with on.
Nice, if you get a calm horse and just let them do what they know how to do you can have a nice time. I have seen too many people try and be too forceful with the horse, has to be a symbiotic relationship.
Yeah, he was a pretty cool horse. He whinnied a lot almost like he was telling me what he wanted to do. Used to be a race horse so I was hoping he didn't get a flashback! Great ride. They told me I did pretty good for somebody that never rode before.
Sorry to hear this--I am a product of a divorced family and my parents went toe-to-toe for years through courts for this and that--My brothers and I will never be completely over it. 25 years later it affects my relationships to this day. We all cope in our different ways. It's the reason I will never get divorced no matter what. I put up with a lot of shit from my wife but I'll never put my son through it. I guess the meaningful part of this post is that your children need you even if you can't be present at this moment. Maybe keep a diary of your thoughts about them at this time and then when the day comes that you are free to have a relationship with them, you can show them your thoughts about them, your frustration at being kept at a distance by the ex, the prayers you did for them, etc. You could mail these notes periodically. It could help you in court too. All the best. May things work out.
Judges don't like to hear that shit and all but the youngest kids know what's going on. She may think she's getting the upper hand but she'll pay in the long run.