ah. Minor freezing issue that can be easily fixed, versus pop-in issues and anti-aliasing issues on the 360. That is, if you can get ur 360 to actually work. RROD. :up:
Got my copy last Saturday. Been losing sleep since. Fucking tired at work. Can't wait to go home and do it all over again.
If it freezes... disable the internet connection then load... after your next save, re-enable and your set. This game is not getting me any ass by any means BTW. 35% complete and 16 hrs played since released haha.
Got the game after my last exam... I've already beat the main story line... its nice being on a week vacation before any of my friends get back to town.
Everybody who has said it has happened is a ps3 owner.... I have it for 360... NO problems... NONE GENIUS This is my second 360.. The first one I sold to get the premium.. No problems in either... Hoodie Hoo
Has anyone found a dildo yet? I loved beating on old ladies and cops with the dildo I found in GTA: San Andreas.
Had my first let down on multi-player. One of my friends wasn't able to connect when I was on and vise versa. Didn't matter who hosted the game, this sucks I really hope they fix this. I mean the story mode is enough to keep people busy for a while, however the big attraction for this game was the multi-player, R* dropped the ball on this. Hopefully a patch is in the works.
Sent my 360 in a lil over a week ago, got it back yesterday w/ a free 1 month (the Norm). So, This is my 1st GTA. I've seen it but honestly was never into the whole fake thuggery thing. Although when my BroInLaw played San Andreas I couldn't believe the soundtrack with the Old skool house..Phat! Now, onto this one. Just started the Single player but not really impressed so far. And for me, the online is horrible. No conncection problems but Not accurate at all and the game after 10 mins gets boring as fuk... This is just a single player for me and to hold me over til the other big titles come out. -JMO
I got a 360, my copy has frozen a couple of times but I've played over 35 hours.... Halo is only on one platform, and its multiplayer kicks GTA's ass. Maybe my connection sucked because I was in a dorm network, but I rarely could find a good full game. Now I'm back home and couldn't connect with a friend after a few tries so now I have just been trying to prolong the story once I realized how close I was to the end. Anyone noticed how when you are cruising in a car, you see a boom in the ratio of your particular car to the rest of the population?