Green Guy

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, May 19, 2008.

  1. pimentel79

    pimentel79 Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    My condolences, and prayers go out to his family, and friends.
  2. Jabba the Jet

    Jabba the Jet New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    I Just learned about Green Guy's passing from nyjunc, till now I had been totally unaware

    I actually saw Junc's avatar in memory of Green Guy and my blood ran cold, and I hoped it didn't mean what I thought it meant, but sadly it did and I just feel devistated because I was very fond of Michael (Green Guy) from when I used to post here more often, we were about the same age, had many of the same Jets memories to share and it got to the point where I really considered him a friend ... and that's how I feel now, like I lost a friend

    Ironically my cousin passed away a little over a week ago, we were very close and it hit me pretty hard, but she passed away on my birthday (this year) and I couldn't help but notice Green Guys last post at TGG was on my birthday (last year) ... and that just hit me hard

    Anyway, I only just learned of Michael's passing and I am terribly saddened by this news

    In closing I just want to send out my belated but most heartfelt condolances to LV Coach, Michael's father who is also a member at TGG, and of course his entire family

    I am sorry I didn't learn about this until now, and please forgive me for dredging this up again, but I was very fond of Michael (Green Guy) and I could not in good consience allow this to pass without offering, though belated, my deepest and most heartfelt condolances

    PS. I read LV's letter and where he said someday he may show this to Michael's daughter so she can see how many people thought so highly of her father, and I can assure you I am one of them ... though we had never had the pleasure of meeting in person, I thought the world of Green Guy and as you can see there are many many others who felt likewise

    My deepest sympathies

    #202 Jabba the Jet, May 1, 2009
    Last edited: May 1, 2009

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