Other thank you notes [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDsNx_nA50U&feature=fvsr[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcRwuDG2VrM&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
Random, but the Chargers team doctor is a druggie, and terrible at his job. http://deadspin.com/5835403/the-med...-say-hes-a-quack-why-is-he-an-nfl-team-doctor "The DEA says Dr. David Chao wrote himself illegal prescriptions more than a hundred times between 2008 and 2010. The California state medical board says he's an alcoholic and needs psychiatric help. Four former football players have sued Chao for malpractice, claiming he ended or shortened their careers. The San Diego Chargers, meanwhile, are bringing Chao back for his 14th season as the team's head physician."
When Green went down I swore it was his achilles.... Hershman summoned his inner Gronkowski and magically put it back together. BTW they had a shot of him standing next to Rex earlier in the game...what a goofy looking fucker.