Here's one for you NSN @NotSatoshiNakamoto. This one hits home as I live in this city now and the sadly poor victim is the owner of an establishment that I frequently visit and she is such a sweet woman that does a lot for the community. This has been all the news here. - The story goes like this: This sick fuck from Cleveland, OH breaks in, rapes and kidnaps his ex-GF who had an order of protection on him at her mother's home in Cleveland. He ties her up, puts her in his trunk and torches the mother's house. Then he hits the road. A couple days later he randomly drives a couple hours east to Erie, PA. He picks a nice house in an affluent neighborhood (not too many of either left in Erie) with his exGF still in his trunk. He takes a crowbar and busts into the nice house in broad daylight at 10 AM. The nice lady that I met turns out to be home and he proceeds to beat the shit out of her with his crow bar... stabbing her in the neck with a box cutter and hitting her an estimated 6-8 times in the head with the crowbar.... (she is in critical condition and might not make it. so sad) Her husband comes home and tries to fight the asshole off and he beats him with the crowbar. The struggle spills out into the front yard where the husband is bleeding everywhere screaming for help. A neighbor hears this, walks over with his licensed handgun and shoots the asshole in the leg. They are able to restrain the asshole and call 911. With the police in sight but not yet arrived, the asshole breaks free. The hero neighbor then shoots him in the back and the police are able to grab him before he gets too far. At first, unbelievably the DA was contemplating charges against the hero neighbor for the second shots because the asshole was running away. Thankfully they announced they wont charge him. They said in other states the neighbor might not have been so lucky. Can you imagine that? this asshole rapes and beats one woman, burns a house down, beats this woman to an inch of her life, the husband is still in the hospital as well.... and yet the hero neighbor could've been charged for putting an end to it. The asshole is fine too, he walked into his initial sentencing. I wish the neighbor would've shot to kill.
always shoot in the chest area. it's the biggest target, making it the least likely to miss and leave a stray bullet flying. also, assholes don't tend to run away after being shot in the heart or lungs. shooting someone running away is a pretty big no no. the context obviously makes it OK here but the good guy easily could have been charged.
Woman rants about Democrats taking her guns away leaving her unable to defend her family. Woman has fight with 2 daughters. Woman shoots and kills 2 daughters. Cops try to arrest woman. Woman greets cops with gun. Cops shoot woman dead.
If she was black or a democrat , the left would call that , police brutality. All honesty though , the only reason that story is getting even a little attention is because the mom was good looking. Shootings like that happen every week and its rarely reported on.
except for the fact that people like Eric Garner didn't pull the trigger on 2 of his daughters ending their lives at an early age. but that's none of my business.
Always awesome when you can point to 1 occurrence to cancel out the other 7 million. I cant really compare a career criminal who cops were on a first name basis with, to a mother with zero past criminal history. But thats just me.
Try harder. Those damn black people and democrats! First I have to go to the hood to get my drugs now this!
The gun lobby likes to promote the notion of self protection and citizen defense, but the incidents of combating a criminal pale in comparison to all the incidents of gun accidents or personal dispute confrontations that would have been non-lethal if a gun wasn't involved. Arming every hothead with a gun isn't exactly the ideal model for society.
Couldn't really say much else to that statement could you? In a world where Black Lives Matter and Al Sharpton are the only ones that speak out against violence in the black community (only when its either by cops or white people mind you) you're gonna be the guilty white guy (Im assuming) that raises his fist and marches with them? You can Eric Garner me all you want. Give me one name of the 40 black people shot in Chicago last weekend. I'll wait my entire life for that.
This is actually false. Guns are used more often in defensive situations.
Stats for defensive uses will be hard to come by. Stats for incidents of violence aren't as hard to nail down:
NotSato's earlier reply indicates he has some numbers but hasn't linked to them. Many of them would be very subjective and hard to quantify.
I linked to the page where you can download the report. The report has several interesting findings on both sides if you care to read it.