I already said the subject is of interest but I won't just click on his links if he's not interested enough to summarize or comment. That's true for this topic and others where he does the same thing. Especially if it's clear the source is a fringe website. Off the top of my head there was the unarmed young black woman whose car broke down and went to knock on a door for help only to get blown away. And the unarmed kid in Houston in a neighbor's yard at night and met the same fate. Neither one broke into anything but that doesn't make them any less dead. I guess we could also look at how many of these "good guy" cases compare to the number of little kids killed and injured by unsecured weapons of the same kind of "good guys." And let's not forget those "good guys" who have legal weapons but somehow those weapons get "sold" or "stolen" and end up in the hands of criminals. Looks like one of them is being charged in San Bernardino today. It's about time; it seems like the trail of these guns is rarely followed to prosecute those who shifted a perfectly legal gun to an illegal one. And finally, why do so many gunholders feel "they actually need them for safety?" Understanding that random crime could happen anywhere, I certainly would not live in a place where I believed the crime rate would require a firearm to possibly improve my safety.
Nice red herring. If you don't want your kids to get shot, teach your kids to respect boundaries. But yeah, let's let home intruders run rampant in your house because, hey, maybe it's a 12 year old sleepwalking. _
You answered your own question. People who carry guns feel the need to do so because violent crime can happen anywhere, and a gun is a lot more effective in protecting ones self and loved ones from gun wielding bad guys compared to nothing. Maybe you do live in a place where crime rate is low, but as you said, crime can happen anywhere. I'm sure the residents of Sandy Hook, Connecticut thought they lived in a safe neighborhood. Just because you are carrying a gun doesn't mean you shoot the guy that is stealing some old lady's purse. Often times criminals will stop their criminal act if just faced with a firearm. Furthermore, people who legally carry guns know the consequences involved with using them. Just because someone has a carry permit or owns a gun legally doesn't mean that they have a 007 license to kill. If a person uses a gun unlawfully then the consequences will be the same as every other citizen. Lastly, people carry guns because in America you have a right to defend yourself from enemies foreign and domestic. Whether at home in bed or out to dinner, a responsible gun owner has the means to defend him/herself and innocent civilians who happen to be around in the event that something serious happens.
again with your first comment, if you don't read the links, don't comment on them like you do. your second paragraph is more in line with what makes sense to me. You want to point out instances where the "protection" aspect is dangerous, that makes sense to me, but there is certainly a huge difference between a little old lady or a little kid knocking on someones door and someone busting through a window which is what most, if not all, of NSN is posting.. you are commenting on those examples and saying that people are gunning people like your first example down, which is not the case.
You're the one laughing at people being shot - not a red herring at all. I cited two cases of dead young people who were unarmed and not intruding in anyone's home.
You're correct, I live in a place with a relatively low crime rate; I also live free from fear. If I was a person who lives in fear, like so many here, I might reconsider keeping some kind of weapon but I certainly wouldn't use it on a stranded motorist knocking on my door for help.
You don't get to tell me what to comment on. Unfortunately the differences you point out are lost on too many of those people who live in fear. I have never decried anyone protecting themselves from an actual intruder.
I apparently have riled a few here but I notice no one commented on any part of the paragraph above. Perhaps it was lost in the complete post so I've copied it here and added spacing. Are there no comments?
Like I said nice red herring. You've cited 2 examples whilst there have been hundreds and hundreds of examples cited the other way. Let's disarm homeowners because of the outliers. _
Just someone doing nothing more than innocent "trespassing". Get back to me when homeowners need to make that snap decision. Your 2 outlier examples notwithstanding. _
I personally don't live directly in the ghetto but I wouldn't characterize where I live as low crime area like Ralebird's house but there's this dude who lives down the street from me. big sign on his door right above the door knob. "no trepassing!" with a graphic of an AR 15 and a target. now, say what you want about this gentleman's tactfulness, my old lady finds it appalling, and Ralebird would probably say this man "lives in fear" but one thing is for sure, the guy doesn't have any issues with people breaking into his house! that's not something everyone in the neighborhood can say. little kids sometimes do ring his door bell for a glass of pop though, so far none of them have been murdered but I'll keep you posted.
But one day, one will and that is going to be tragic. It almost begs for folks NOT to protect their homes and loved ones. _
An older lady is pulled over by a cop. Cop notices a 357 in the seat next to her. Cop says "do you have a permit for that?" she says yes. He says "do you have any other weapons? "She replies "yes a .9mm in the glove box a .38 in my purse and a shotgun in the trunk. " Cop says "wow thats a lot of fire power. What are you afraid of?" The lady replies " nothing".