Once again, you could not be more wrong. I haven't looked at one of those since the very beginning of your crusade. If you're not interested enough to summarize or comment yourself, why should anyone be interested?
if you're so uninterested in the thread why do you repeatedly open it and post in it? do you really have nothing better to do than post in an Internet thread you have no interest in? you seem like a big loser.
Where did I say I have no interest in the topic? Don't make things up or put words in my mouth. I'm not surprised that your limited thought process is challenged by my presence here. Do you really have nothing better to do than post links you can't even be bothered to comment on?
So you're not interested enough to click the links but you are interested to open the thread and look at the links. Makes sense. Why the hell would I be "challeneged by your presence"? Get over yourself. I think you may have some mental issues. I'd recommend talking to a family memeber or friend about the possibility of seeking professional help. There is help available.
Thanks for your diagnosis, Doctor. It may come as a great surprise to you that not everyone agrees with your point of view but may still be interested in the topic and might just occasionally open the topic for reasons other than to see what links you've posted. To understand that, however, one would need to park their unearned superiority complex and ego elsewhere. Go ahead, sonny, call me some more names now.
There has been no discussion from you about the topic to disagree with in this recent exchange. You came into the thread to troll, as is your MO. This is obvious to anyone reading. Unfortunately the ignore option doesn't work in Tapatalk. The purpose of the thread is to document the good guys with guns reported by local news outlets across the country that the mainstream media almost never covers. Due to the nature of the thread there is no need to summarize or discuss the links being posted when posting them. There is often gun control debate on this site in various threads. This thread documents the events anti-gunners often claim never happen in those discussions. It wouldn't be surprising if they just had no idea these things happen because it's rarely reported and the liberal media often lies and tells them it never happens. So there's opportunity to open some eyes here. There probably won't be any opinions swayed but maybe some intellectually honest souls will realize something they never knew happened does happen.
the best gun salesmen in history are obama, clinton and the rest of the fake gun control squawk boxes. every time they flap there gums about gun control guns fly off the shelves.
I disagree with your assertion. Your posts prove my point, don't they? "Local media" is fully exposed on the internet. I have a major problem with those who will shoot an unarmed person alleged to have committed nothing more serious than trespassing and certainly those who glorify such actions.
I may have missed a few, but seems like every link posted was about a criminal doing more than trespassing.
Yet it hasn't stopped you from making assumptions and posting from a position of ignorance. Even better you announced your ignorance prior to discussing that which you're ignorant about. well done, amazing stuff actually.
I read enough of the early ones to get an idea. If you've changed your MO there is no indication because you're not interested enough to comment on your own links. Just amass piles of self-serving nonsense.
There's isn't one example here of someone being killed for just trespassing. In fact most of the deceased had prior arrests and conviction. I don't celebrate the fact that they were killed and feel for their families but also relieved that the world is a little safer and the innocent were not hurt worse than having to live with the fear they experienced when they were forced to take another life to ensure their own.
havin a hard time supporting your line of thinking here ralebird. first you ask him why someone should be interested and that you don't read the links..then you tell comment on how this thread is self serving nonsense and the links are just about trespassers- suggesting either you are interested and do read the links........ or you are yourself posting self serving nonsense. also, i don't at all feel sorry for the people that break into people's homes and get shot. oh well. too bad for them thats why you don't break into someone's home... things like that can happen. if you are interested in this topic, which it seems like you are, a better strategy might be to bring up instances where personal firearm usage in terms of protection goes bad. or try to put in context how many people are dying because of firearms vs. how many people actually need them for safety.