But why aren't you outraged at these innocent children being killed by pools? Are these children less dead? So many more die drowning in pools but you're apparently unaffected. Why is that?
Your insincerity about a child getting killed is only topped by your attempt to deflect the issue of unsafely storing guns in the home. And as per the NRA when something about guns is challenged you try to distract the issue by bringing up another topic. Any neglect of kids is terrible. I wouldn't allow my wife to buy one of those kid's swimming pools when our daughter was a baby because I was afraid that one mistake by us could end up in tragedy. But what about guns? You never answered that.
Me too. We had a baby monitor that broadcast 1/4 of a mile and the local watering hole was just inside it's range. We could hear everything, was totally safe. _
Again a distraction but a funny one. You have no answer because there is no defense. If you're going to own a gun you should be ultra safe esp around kids and liable if negligent. Firearms aren't water pistols. If you go to the bar and leave small children at a swimming pool you're liable too. And believe me it's been done.
If I time it just right and go fast enough I can hit the shift change for the local police and get off the roads before any chance of getting pulled over.
oh good to hear. I was worried for a second you were taking too many risks at home. sounds like you got it all covered.
Of course people need to be responsible with guns around children. No one ever argued otherwise. Not sure why you feel the need to bring it up. Obvious point is obvious.
You poo poohed it with another poster. And then started the swimming pool distraction. And then jokes. Why does the NRA oppose any kind of law on the books punishing offenders. So what is your proposal. I posted an article about the number of kids killed via gun accidents. Self regulation?
lol, what? I actually went into an NFL game (not a jets game) once with a friend who was carrying. He was a cop, but in civilian clothing. They patted us down and searched the girls purses but waved us right through. I never poo poohed responsible gun ownership. That's a lie.
Sorry that stupid Jets comment of mine wasn't meant to be sent. I'm working off of an IPhone again and I thought I deleted it.
Just give me the benefit of the doubt with tech stuff. Kind of like Hillary (yock yock). I sure you'd give either of us a pass.
Your stats are in the single digits. Sure there are good guys with guns, most gun owners are good guys not killers. But a significant number are negligent, untrained and don't follow proper safety precautions. And these people should not be allowed to carry in public places. In other words a person should have to qualify by experience and possibly taking a test (like a driver's test) to carry and in some public places where there are a lot of people very few allowed to carry firearms. This vigilante mindset of everyone carrying a gun at all times and everywhere and always being on the look out for perpetrators is insane. I don't want to go to a restaurant and have everybody in the place carrying guns. I don't feel safe with amateurs acting like they are cops. And btw stats show more guns more homicides. When there is a loaded gun around people sometimes get killed. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/guns-and-death/