I can help you set up your D AI for you if you want me to.... just send me PM on GLB (Gustoon) I just need you to make me a GM for a few hours, and I'll install a decent AI for you.
Whats the soft cap? And is there anyway to change my Special Abilities? I think I kinda fudged them ><
Soft capping is the first level reached. In your case 48 points. Use this wiki site, has everything you need to know.... http://www.glbwiki.com/index.php?title=Slowbuilding You might be better off retiring him and starting again. Te SAs have to saty on.
Anybody have any idea on how to run an offense? I'm an OC and I have no idea how set anything up... Our passing has done well under me, but our running game is in shambles.
My team has been experimenting with 100% long passing. And its been working insanely well. 65% to WR 35% to the TE.
Anyone have a 40'ish HB, TE, LB, or FS they are looking to move? My team has been doing awesome and I'm hoping I can really start to push for the Pro leagues. If I can get around level 40 players for the positions I listed above I think we'd be unstoppable... http://goallineblitz.com/game/team.pl?team_id=3602 Including scrimmage games, 25-1 last season, so far 10-0 this season...
Including scrimmages, We went 19-1 last season with that offensive game plan, and this season, our first in the pro leagues, we are 3-1 so far. Hope it works out well.
You signed at a really good time. Your pancake count is going to go through the roof, we play cannon fodder for the next 5 games. Your team looks awesome!
This is driving me insane! Lesser players are getting many more yards and plays then me. On my teams depth chart, I'm listed at #1 on my teams depth chart and am getting consistantly 15-20 plays less then the number 3! He is also 3 levels below me >< I'm thinking of getting my own low level team next season...Any interested parties? No idea how it works.
My guy is up to level 40 now, seems that every team I go to folds though. :sad: Hoping this team can stay at it now, I enjoy being on an active team.
Could be your stamina is lower than the back up. Ask them to change the sub in/out %s. OR the back up is his player :wink:
http://goallineblitz.com/game/announcement.pl?id=62 Flex point sale on Friday. Orders get 50% more points. I'm deffinetly going to get myself a team next season. Depending where my WR stands at the time, team will hopefully be around that area!! Hes currently level 7.
NY going to the Championship game 18-0 baby! http://goallineblitz.com/game/playoff_bracket.pl?league_id=140&conference_id=0