Way too early to completely give up on Gholston. Hes still a kid, the guy is barely 23. Plus you know soon if the jets cut him lose hell turn into an all pro.
So far Gholsten looks like a bust. It would be very funny to see the reactions on this forum if the kid forces a Q4 turnover to win the game for us today though.
because the jets are still hoping that he will develop into a productive nfl player. i'm afraid that vernon is goin' to be remembered as one of the ALL time biggest busts in the history of the nfl oh well , cheers ~ ~ :beer:
I'm not defending the first 2 years of his career, b/c he has indeed been a major dissapointment.He's ineffective as a situational pass rusher and has no business on special teams. W/ that said...I don't think he played badly when he started those 4 games when Pace was out. He was physical at the point of attack and did a decent job collapsing the pocket. He has a decent initial push when rushing the passer and he's one or 2 moves away from racking up a few sacks. I think it's too early to completely close the lid on him. Question is...w/ the boatload of money he's making and w/ how well our D already is w/o his contributions..is it worth paying him for another year of development?
I don't believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or Vernon Gholston. I only really believe in things that are proven to exist.
The best part of the article is that Rex has the defense sticking together as a team and believing in each other. This is a great sign for the coaching staff.
How did Gholston get his own department? I barely get a desk at work and I actually produce results. That's BS.
Naaah... Gholston is ahead of Murrell because 1) Westhoff thinks he is a better ST player 2) Murrell is kind of in Westhoff's dog-house after missing a couple of ST tackles early in the season.
Then I must say the Ghost is the cleanest ST's player I've ever seen. I wonder if he ever gets so much as a turf stain on his sock. But after more thought, there's a certain advantage to having a "Ghost" on ST's isn't it..
Hey I'm just going by what Westhoff said in the "coordinator's corner" segment that aired before the SD game. He thinks Gholston is doing "a very good job in containing the outside"... considering how well Murrell contained the outside vs the Dolphins one can see his point . What I don't understand is why is Murrell active and not Chauncey Washington? That guy is a good ST player...