considering it has a dvd player, that makes it what it is for as well. that would be like saying your computer isn't for listening to music since that isn't its primary purpose. guess I should just erase all my mp3's and remove itunes.
thats not how i meant it; i just meant that i have a DVD/Surround System on the TV that i use my 360 with.
This thing ceases to amaze me today I was bored so I said to myself put my mp3 player in the xbox, guess what it worked..... while I was online playing halo 2. One thing though, when i was done playing it felt like i could cook and egg on it, really really hot.
Anyone who claims that "If it weren't for Halo..." is Ignorant to the facts. I can Guarantee that Everyone on here hating XBOX has NEVER owned an XBOX. The fact that they Bought an Inferior product in the ps2 and then the XBOX came in and took over and had a HUGE online community still stings them. So anyone claiming that, please, Don't hate on the XBOX. and the 360 especially, don't talk shit about a system you never even played. You sound very Ignorant Because Nobody Plays HALO online!!!
Nope, The original HALO did NOT have online play. (Other than PC Link play) HALO2 does and there is no way anyone can say that it was because of HALO that the XBOX was a success. There was more to the original XBOX than HALO.