Get off Chad's back

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Al Dorow, Aug 8, 2008.

  1. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I have no problem with Chad going to the Dolphins...its actually kind of refreshing. Now our defense will get a chance to see what most other teams saw over the past 3 years. 11 in the box and have some fun.

    Feel much better about week 1 already.
  2. Jetdog

    Jetdog New Member

    Dec 16, 2004
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    <<Yeah... While Pennington had a better passer rating Favre threw almost 3 times as many touchdowns with over twice as many yards. Nice try ESPN. It's called RISK/REWARD. Equate this to wins and yeah....>>

    He threw 12 times as many interceptions... not 12 more.. 12 times... So.. do your math.. Favre through 3 times as many touchdowns.. but 12 times the interceptions...

    Backing up.. not trying to make an argument that Penny is better.. just trying to get some people off his back.....
  3. VickBlows

    VickBlows Active Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    It?s a good move ? the Dolphins haven?t been a legitimate threat to beat us in so long ? I almost forget to hate them. Now ? with Chad at the helm?I?m thinking they may never beat us again.

    Sure is a tough defensive game plan when you have to focus on the width of the field X 13 yards (unless its 3rd and 10 in which case you only concern yourself with the width of the field X 7 yards).
  4. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I could not Agree more. I'm happy for Chad, he deserved allot better than what he has got from the Mangini and tannenbaum,... Does anyone really lie to themselves and not admit that we have turned into one of the scummiest organizations in all of sports???
    I hope im wrong but i don't see this situation with Favre working the way almost all of you do.. I'm so glad we had to beg a 39 year old retired player with limited options to come here and play. Now yes its Brett Favre, but just remember this isn't 1996...I'm having visions of this working out like Michael Jordan with the Wizzards..
    Believe it or not, i truly hope that Im a 100 percent wrong, but the guy cant even fake enthusiasm at a press conference??? its clear this is the last place he wanted to be, i just dont have expectations of this being any miracle season..
    We will find out soon enough if Pennington was the BIG problem with the jets, I personally don't think he was and maybe after Mangini and Tannenbaum have no one else to put false blame on, they can look in the mirror and see what there responsible for..But im sure they wont... they will find just someone or something else to blame... Good for Chad... sorry about the rant, i just hate what kind of organization we have become...
  5. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Most of your rant is justified.
  6. Reidy

    Reidy New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Chad is a lil' child.

    He already stated about the trade that he, "doesn't care".

    Stop talking about him.
  7. billo83

    billo83 Member

    Mar 9, 2004
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    How has this turned into a scummy organization? Because we cut a QB that is obviously done after 2 major surgeries (and has never lived up to a ridiculous 64M contract)? Because they tried to better themselves by bringing in a HOF QB who without question is a huge upgrade over Penny? Because they don't hand out raises to every mediocre player that say they deserve it?

    Yea I'd rather go back to having BBQ's, pickup BB games, and singing Kumbaya by the campfire. That worked out real well. At least this FO has some balls, something lacking here in a decade.
  8. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    What? We replace a guy who went 1-7 last year with one of the all-time great QBs of all time and this makes the Jets "one of the scummiest organizations of all time?"

    I do hope that by using the word "organization" you aren't including political organizations (the SS, the KKK, the USSR), or baseball teams (who practiced racism and apartheid for many decades), or maybe even NFL teams (like the Colts, who bolted Baltimore in the middle of the night, or the Ravens, who left Cleveland, etc.)...
  9. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    I think a lot of people don't agree with you, pilgrim...
  10. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    What does that mean? Pilgrim.

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Chad suxed plain and simple. Yep, I said it.
  12. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    What you said makes no sense to me at all. No such word as suxed, or even sucksed...

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    This is why rappers and rockstars and actors and actresses and yes even presidents and politicians make such huge impacts on people lives, its called inventiveness, originality and pioneering. Chad suxs! Always had always will. CHAD SUXS!!!!
  14. Bosko

    Bosko Guest

    John Wayne used to say it, pilgrim!
  15. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I really liked Chad and I have always maintained that he's decent QB. A top 20 QB in the league. He's the kind of guy that will get the job done but will need some help here and there. There are QBs out there that can't even get the job done even with the right support around em.

    He always gave his heart out to the Jets organization and wanted to finish his career as a Jet. Some people here are just full of shit and have no respect for ones commitment. They are the same users that would eventually question some other players commitment.

    Im glad Chad is gone. Not because I did'nt like him but because I did'nt want to him waving a towel on the sidelines. He went to a team where he'll get atleast 2 years as a starter and if he performs well, he'll finish his career there. Chad's first game as a non-Jet is against us indeed. Miami is a relatively weaker team than ours and he will lose. But it will not be a blow out. He will play his heart out against the team he put his career on the line. I have great respect for him. I hope he re-energizes his career but, like others said, "not at the Jets expense." Best of luck Chad!

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Chad as a person is descent. As a QB, he suxed. Do you feel better now? I never said I didn't like the person, but as a player he suxed. I like rah rah guys too but you have to have talent also. Chad was never it. I do hope he beats the patsies and gils, that I would really be estatic about.
    #36 JETFIGHTERS, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  17. Jets n Boys

    Jets n Boys Banned

    Mar 17, 2008
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    I guess we'll find out in a few months time if it were the Jets or if it was Chad.
  18. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Good call, let's do some math. You say you're not trying to say penny is better, but what is your point then? Penny plays like a pussy.

    What's the point of narrowing this down to passes of 20 yards or longer? The object is to score points, right?

    Over the past 4 seasons Favre has thrown 34 more TD passes than Pennington and 7 less INT's than TD passes. Pennington has thrown 8 less INT's than TD passes.

    Every INT does not lead to 7 points by the other team, especially when the INT is further down field. I have no idea what the percentage is of interceptions turning into points by the other team. Let's say for sake of argument that 80% of the time an interception turns into points for the other team and of those scores 75% of the time it's a TD. I would guess that I'm being more than generous with these percentages in favor of the guy who throws fewer INT's.

    Favre: 79 TD passes, 72 INT's
    Pennington: 45 TD passes, 37 INT's

    79 TD passes * 7 = 553 points
    72 INT's * .8 ~= 58 scores
    58 * .75 ~= 44 TD's against * 7 = 308 points
    58 * .25 ~= 14 FG's against * 3 = 42 points
    308 + 42 = 350 points

    553 points - 350 points = 203 points
    Net gain: 203 points
    45 TD passes * 7 = 315 points
    37 INT's *.8 ~= 30 scores
    30 * .75 ~= 23 TD's against * 7 = 161 points
    30 *.25 ~= 7 FG's against * 3 = 21 points
    161 + 21 = 182 points
    315 points - 182 points = 133 points
    Net gain: 133 points

    203 points > 133 points.

    Favre is responsible for a net gain of 70 more points than Pennington. That's more than 50% of the total net gain Pennington was responsible for.

    I would be willing to bet that less than 80% of INT's turn into points. I would also be willing to bet that less than 75% of those points are TD's. I wish I could find some concrete numbers to plug in here. Maybe someone else can help me out in finding these figures. I'd be very interested in seeing the actual results.

    You can take your safe little INT total and pretty quarterback rating, I'll take the big, manly TD total and a bunch of points. Who's going to win?
    #38 WhiteShoeWillis, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008

    JETFIGHTERS Active Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    I can like the people I work with or not like them. We don't have to eat lunch together but we do have to be professional at the "work place" Business is business. As a manager I can give a rats ass if people love me, we have a job to do so we "step our game up" Nothing personal. Managers manage, its all about the bottom line. Chad was let go because of production.
    #39 JETFIGHTERS, Aug 9, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2008
  20. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Wow really??

    Scumbag organization? In all of sports?? Do the Pats ring a bell???? You don't know Sports Business, because those two words are redundant.

    As for Chad, get over it dude, its business.

    As for history, Jordan took time off, waited until he was over 40, and then played for the Wizards. Brett is coming off a career year, and as football history has it, when the great Joe Montana went to the Chiefs, they lost to the Bills in the AFC Title game. That made the Chiefs respectable for a while after that. Wouldn't you like that respectability over being classy to some injury prone QB?

    Take a deep breath and realize your a fan with no power. After I realized that, sports got fun. I thank Chad for the good memories, as I do with Vilma, but I can't control it.

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