But, but, but he needs more time... He was going against a good defense... It can't be that he just flat out sucks.
To be fair...he IS going against a great secondary. I'm not a supporter. Geno stinks. But that's what happens when you put a slightly below avg QB with a great secondary.
Not to worry so much. Fitzpatrick will use camp to continue to look better to OC Bowles and Mac want to keep their jobs so I think the Smith delusion will die soon If I were Geno I wouldnt start screwing up passes to BMarshall. With A roommate who has Borderline Personality Disorder things could get ugly fast.
we really dont need to get all crazy about QBR. EVERY stat regarding geno has him at the very bottom of the league. if you dont like qbr pick the one you do like and arrive at the same conclusion
he has thrown just as many picks several times vs worse defense in games that count. this isnt an isolated situation against a great secondary. also, its not like revis and cro picked him off. it was mcdougle twice and i forget the safety on the third. they were going against the second string defense
Yes but Truth666 apparently thinks the QBR shows that Smith had 7 great games, 2 average games and only 4 bad games last year. Most rational people realize there are no stats that show Smith being any good.
He didn't even quote the QBR stats, he quoted Passer Rating which it totally different (but he was too stupid to know the difference), and somehow this thread spun off into a debate about an imaginary stat that wasn't even in the OP
In his defense, before ESPN came up with the dopey QBR stat, everyone used the term "Quarterback Rating" interchangeably with "Passer Rating" - I still do it myself sometimes. That said, the Genover sucks no matter what statistic you are looking at.
Well if yesterdays report from camp are correct he stunk up the place & that is only in a minicamp not against a opposing team
No no no. We have a great qb who played solidly great for half of the season, and a great defense. Unfortunaely we finished 4-12 because of bad coin tosses.