Awesome vid... really well done, they only thing that I would like in it is the air siren I fucking love those sound bytes
Great job! Awesome video! I love watching clips of the D. Good job with the graphics and font as well. I was listening to the Deion interview with Revis on NFL Network again as I watched it. I can't get enough of the video clips that are out there. Thank you guys for your hard work on it.
That was really, really well done fellas. I happen to love the music track. Right out of the "House of Revis". Nicely editted. Gave me goose bumps. :metal:
You have to do a video of all the vicious defensive hits and use the music to Drowning Pools "Bodies"!
Shit. I have to? lol j/k Actually, the next video is gonna have some AC/DC....Hip hop and Audio Clips. I was actually working on that when TommyGreen approached with a concept. I'm hoping the JETS win so I can get more clips!!! :metal:
great video but with that music all i kept hearing ba booey, ba ba booey, ba ba ba ba ba booey