I feel like they needed two more full length seasons instead of this six episode eighth season (with 7.5 episodes of runtime). This season should have been about the battle vs. the dead. Next season should have been about capturing King’s Landing. That would have given enough time to develop these rushed plot lines. Jaime leaving Brienne for Cersei could’ve made more sense if you’d had 3-4 episodes of him at Winterfell realizing/feeling he’s not worth redeeming. Arya turning around at the last second couldn’t made more sense if we’d seen her and the hound have a few conversations and/or adventures on the ride down to KL. Dany’s “descent into madness” (such as it is) would’ve felt more earned if it happened more explicitly over 1.5 seasons instead of being crammed into basically 2 episodes (leaving aside the foreshadowing). Could’ve had a few scenes with Dany and Missandei to remind viewers how important M is to D, too. It all feels like they were writing to a specific plot instead of writing to the characters. And it’s mostly been that way since they ran out of book material. One of the reasons the show and books were so good is the characters did things that made internal sense. And they paid for their actions if the things they did were stupid. The episode looked great. And I could see really liking it on a technical level. Like, fast and the furious kind of enjoyment: that looked awesome! But that’s not why most people watch GoT, I think.
^^^^ @Cappy, good post. I don't know whether it needed two full seasons or not, but you have highlighted what is wrong and needed to happen for sure.
Yep, it seemed like the writers ran out of ideas and pretty much planned this whole season around 2 episodes, with the rest being filler. Very underwhelming. The plot is rushed and slow at the same time because of the lack of developments in the plot. I also agree about people acting out of character. Tyrion and Snow have become almost completely useless.
Agreed, and they did it to John Snow as well. He's basically done nothing this whole season except be Dany's yes man. I want him so badly to be the one who kills Dany, but I doubt it because because he's male. Every show these days is about women's empowerment, so 99% chance a woman wins the throne. Snow has just become a sniveling ass kisser, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he does absolutely nothing in the finale except die uneventfully. He's completely neutered this year when he was promoted as one of the most important characters in the show. His resurrection had to have a purpose.
sadly this is true as way too much pandering going on to appease the vocal minority on the internet so i can see it as being sansa for sure, when it should really be john.
It should really be the strongest, and I mean all round strongest - most savvy, most ruthless, most powerful - and that isn't Jon. His honour is a huge weakness, much like his supposed father. Unless he overcomes this it would be a travesty if he sits on the throne so, given this season so far, it will probably happen.
his honor is why he would be a good ruler. he's the only one with a real moral compass for right and wrong. that's what you look for in a king. he's also a natural leader. he's the best person for the job, his weaknesses can be filled with his hand. if we wanted the strongest and most savage i'd say that goes to the guy who was raised on giants milk LMAO
It's based on history though, at least loosely - Wars of the Roses and Hundred Years War era Europe. Its not about who would be the best ruler, that's clearly Jon Snow, it's about who has the strength to claim the throne. The best claim and the best person for the job doesn't get it, unless they have that ruthless streak as well (which you could legit argue makes them unfit to rule). Unless Jon develops that, or someone does it for him (Tyrion?) I don't think he will win by force. Of course Arya might off Daenerys and he gets it by default, but I'd be a bit pissed at that ending.
John does not deserve the throne. He has shown far to much weakness when trying to make decisions. The next episode will be full of more murders than answers.
Sansa gets it. Dany kills John, Tyrian kills Dany and becomes known as the queen slayer and Sansa claims the throne .
She can’t kill everyone. I mean they gave her the last second game winning thunder dunk to save man kind. She’s needs more?
We've come to the end. So far the biggest casualty of the final season has been Mike Maccagnan. That was a HUGE TWIST many did not see coming. How will it all end tonight? We will see, but I will miss the show and the fun anticipation of what will happen next.
Bittersweet ending I think they said. Anyway enjoy the last episode. I'm watching UK time so won't be going anywhere near any form of media between now and the show's UK airing.
They all kill each other and then Jaime comes crawling out of the rubble and takes the Iron Throne for himself
I'm guessing something stupid will happen, most people will be disappointed, and George Martin will check his bank account and giggle.
I had read the spoilers and they were dead on, unfortunately. I hate to add on because hating on GOT is the hip thing to do but this is the worst series finale ever. Just so stupid!