" Future of NFL draft is in jeopardy " ~ ~ ~

Discussion in 'Draft' started by kelly, May 12, 2009.

  1. kelly

    kelly Banned

    Apr 21, 2003
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    not to worry ;
    the nfl draft is gonna be with us for awhile longer.

    cheers ~ ~
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    As a fan , why would you want that?????? Unfortunately, fans should root for the owners to win sports labor disputes. When the players win these disputes it leads to higher salaries (higher ticket prices), more player movement (less ability for a team to develop and retain players and loss of fan identification with players). While you root for the laundry and not the players, the NFL is bad enough already with the high player salaries and free agency leading to a good deal of roster turnover.

    I want the players on my team to be able to stay together for as long as possible. Do you really want the musical chairs and high player salaries that comes with more power to the players? Do you really want guaranteed contracts so that when your team makes a mistake and overpays a bum, the team is stuck with that player and that salary for the life of the contract? Do you want your favorite player to leave after 4 years every time?

    What good comes to the fan if the players win a labor dispute? I'd like to hear how you think the fans come out better.
  3. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i dont really look at it as how I will benefit. its a game i dont win or lose either way.

    but on the other hand the players who only have a very very short length of career and tend to suffer badly later in life and who are told from the point they are 8 years old about how they will make it to the nfl so they dont end up bothering to figure out anything else in life. (which is of no fault of their own)

    to think about how much they always stand to lose vs what the scumbag owners and douchebags paying 400 dollars a game to go watch them stand to lose.

    if you would like to explain why your own greed towards being able to get things concerning a game to go your way is more important than mens lives. i would be interested to hear it.

    bottom line is the owners have the players by the balls right now and the ticket prices are still completely fucking outrageous, the games are more and more being put on at night and odd ball nights to create more money. the rest of the shit that they sell like jerseys and sweatshirts are completely over priced and think about the fact mike nolan couldnt wear a suit ala every single coach from 30 years ago UNLESS it was nfl sanctioned.

    bottom line is they are fucking their players which is their product, they are fucking their fans which is their pay check and they are getting away with it. personally i wont pay for anything that has to do with the nfl anymore. i have better things to put my money into.

    i watch the games on sundays i dont watch on the nfl network as i refuse to pay for it. i wont pay for any sunday ticket. i wont pay to go to the games anymore as its a fuckin sham. if i could not get espn i would but i dont have that choice at this point as it is an expanded basic channel. if it were to ever end up in part of a package that costed extra they could go pound sand too.

    basically these guys put their well being on the line 16 times a year, plus all the practices and other bullshit that they could get injured or end up with long term ailments and they deserve to get every single fuckin penny as they only get to play what an average of 5 to 6 years. not quite the same as an accountant.

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