Bahaaha!! From the original poster of the video: for the people wondering why I would film my buddy watching a football game, well the reason is that hes just really hot headed. He looses his mind any time the patriots show any sings of a loss. So I decided it would be funny to secretly film him with my digital camera and then play it back to him, cause he never knows the extent of his temper tantrums. I have a few more funny clips from this game that I'll be posting.
GoPats-Something tells me he quickly put a Red Sox hat on and a Pats shirt on as soon as he got off the T just so he wouldn't get his ass handed to him.:metal:
My old girlfriend was from Wayne NJ and she loved it. My buddies in NY think it's funny. We goof on each other. It's all good.
yea i guess if you look at it as funny its fine. being a jets/yankees fan you can probably guess the extent of my exposure to a true bston accent and the dialogue that went along with said accent. now they just go hand in hand, ive been trained to kill on sound lol
I hear you man. I guess I can't expect you to like it LOL. I used to goof on my girlfriends Jersey accent. And yes, she was a Jets/ Yankees fan too. It used to make for some interesting times when we went out with her friends. All her friends and their boyfriends used to rag on my accent but it was all in fun. Those were some good times
You two have quite the imagination, much like your fellow Pats* fan in this video who keeps seeing "pass inteahfeerence" that wasn't there.
LOL, "Beantown Camo." I'm just wondering why, if Fumble is such an expert and authority on Boston culture, he thinks that anyone who's walking around Harvard Square is actually FROM Boston. They're 95% students and transplants. But hey, he lived in Waltham, so... he's got us all pegged. :wink:
By the sounds of it, I would say it's envy. There's nothing that makes me want to puke more, than listening to people faking a Boston accent. If they want to get the accent down, at least go on youtube and listen to the guy from Boston until you have it right. Otherwise, please refrain from trying to sound like you were born here. We will quickly detect a poser from the start. And for god sakes, don't try watching "The Departed" thinking you'll get it down from that. Alec Baldwin has to be the worst actor to attempt the accent. That is all! Carry on.
Um, I said Porter Square, genius. I guess reading comprehension isn't stressed in the Commonwealth of Mass. You read webpages about as well as Brady read our defenses last week. :gpc:
You know this because you took a poll before and after the Pats went on their championship run, asking everyone in the metro area if they were a Pats fan? Winning teams do attract a bandwagon fanbase (cough*yankees*cough) but that doesn't mean that a majority of them are bandwagoners.
Worth the bump Hope this douche is watching this Sunday so he can rip his shirt off again. Just another fake Irish fake tough guy from Boston.
Haha this was on Fitzy's website (the ultimate pissed off Pats fan) Was hoping for a video but maybe he'll make one after we spank them.
Imagine what it's going to be like as a Pats fan born after 1990 when Brady retires? Those guys are just going to be pathetic to watch as mediocrity becomes reality for them.