Assuming your talking about the latter let's move to the next subject- sentencing. Gun laws imo should be a state issue. The Feds are only involved as a registry. So... If I live in Vermont and have a license and visit New York where o don't have a lisense am I subjected to the 10yr sentence for illegally possessing a gun?
1. yes legal gun today can not become illegal and confiscated tomorrow. if you commit a felony you forfeit your right to gun ownership. 2. yes. illegal is illegal. leave any wiggle room and illegal gun dealers will take advantage quickly.
so how about a federal offense for possessing a gun without any license for that gun but leave it as a state charge if someone enters their state with a gun but not a license from that state. The fed charge can be 10 but the state charge is whatever the state wants it to be. Maybe some gun lovin states don't care who carries in their state so they have a $50 fine while a place like NYC might give 10 yrs. how does that work for you?
state can set its own minimum sentence for first offense,if 2nd offense is during commission of a crime or any felon found in possession of a gun,even if its their first gun charge they get 10 years minimum. i will give some wiggle room for a law abiding citizen making an honest mistake.
Never been to the YMCA? Very common place where adults and children share the locker rooms and showers and have activities for both. You're not smart enough to challenge anyone's positions if you walked right into that one.
That's not my scene but I won't judge you. Some of my favorite people are either poor or gay. Young man, there's a place you can go I said young man, when you're short on your dough You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to have a good time.
Man, didn't realize that all those kids and old married couples that go to the YMCA by me were gay. Learn something new every day. Now someone that knows the lyrics to a Village People song, pretty obvious their predilection.
You're pathetic. Your dumb fuck arguments gets destroyed so you try to attack people who go to the YMCA, where public swim lessons and basketball tournaments are held. If you had the ability to actually think your own arguments through you'd save yourself the trouble of looking like a moron. We already know that to be true, we don't need you to continually prove it.
If there is a federal gun registry there should be no reason why I cannot travel with my legal gun from state to state. I have no problem at all with the registry, but it should come with more freedom nationally. Why should someone whose passed all background checks and has their gun registered with the feds in one state be thrown in prison for holding the gun in another state? I'd be surprised if they didn't already have a record of who's purchased every legal gun. They're doing a federal background check on every gun purchase from FFL dealers. I'm supposed to believe those records are thrown away after they're processed? Yea, sure.
Now you're delving into state rights. If the general consensus of a state is that they don't want guns/ certain types of guns in it's boarder what business does the federal government have telling them otherwise? Owning an assault rifle in South Dakota should be easier than owning one in New York city. If you take away a states rights then your giving way too much power to the federal gvt. Would you be willing to have a national handgun registry while leaving more powerful guns at the state's discretion?
Hey buddy I got no problem with who you shower with in your spare time. It's ok with me if you're concerned about the other people in said showers with you and the children. I'm ok with the fact that you think democrats sit around and collaborate ways to keep poor people poor. You do you buddy. I'm ok with you. When you eventually snap, I sure as fuck don't want you looking for me.
You think a national registry makes everyone safer. If you want it, get the states on board to respect the legal authority of the registry. They should be motivated to respect it if it is going to prevent gun crime. Today in NYS, even though I have a concealed carry permit I cannot step foot in NYC with a registered pistol on my person. One of many reasons to never go there. I think it's stupid. I went through training, background checks, personal references, fees and a long wait to get it. What more do they want from me?
Unfortunately bc things have been lax for so long many places find it easier to do a blanket, nah uh not gonna happen policy. I think that's the literal name of the original bill "hr nah uh not gonna happen 1673.4". A fair compromise imo as I mentioned would be a national registry for handguns to be established which would give its owners national rights. Anything more powerful would need to be under the state's authority. If a state wants to honor another state's license they can have that policy but they're not required to. Tl;dr: national handgun registry with high standards which gives it's owners national rights. State registries for assault rifles Harsh penalties for violating these laws Some sort of "motivation" to have manufactures implement more safety features in their product
It just seems like a silly ask to me since rifles are a such a small percentage of gun crimes. People get all jacked up about the term "assault rifle". What does it even mean? It's not a technical gun description, it's something made up for political reasons. But if the trade is national concealed carry for national registry of hand guns, sign me up right now. That would be great.
I think assault riffles are more about perception. You're typical gun crime is a handgun but the mass shootings that get publicity are assault rifles.
fully automatic weapons are already extremely well regulated and very difficult to obtain. basically you can't get one without dealing directly with the atf. they are almost never used in crimes or mass shootings. I'm having trouble finding one that doesn't involve an assault rifle. Help me out with a link or two if you don't mind. Even if these aren't technically "assault rifles" they would fall under the category of what would be a state registered gun in my proposal. The only gun that would be national would be handguns. So it would probably be easier to say anything but a handgun. So rifles, shot guns Uzis rocket launchers
And that is the problem, those shootings involved rifles that were just deemed by the media to be assault rifles. Did you even bother to read the definition of assault rifle that you posted and then look at the weapons used in the 3 shootings you posted? Not one of the shootings used an assault rifle according to the definition of assault rifle you posted. Because the rifles had a detachable mag and had a certain look they suddenly became assault rifles according to the media. Edit: Just to add if you look up assault weapon you will find many varying definitions because there is not a truly defined definition for what the media deems an assault weapon. Different municipalities also come up with different definitions for assault weapons.