For the JD critics.....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NYJ1970, Sep 3, 2022.

  1. Bills over Jets

    Bills over Jets Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2012
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    He inherited a roster mostly devoid of talent and was trusted with a complete rebuild. It is common knowledge that you have to focus on the premium positions in order to be successful. The “premium positions” are universally accepted to be QB, LT, ER, and CB. I would argue that with the nfl changing into a passing league, WR should be the 5th and added to the ranks as a premium position.

    JD walked in with a completely clean slate with an abundance of resources to start filling these positions with blue chip talent. He had $90 million dollars in cap space that first year and $67 million the second year. He had 19 draft picks over the first two years, 11 of them in the first 4 rounds of the draft. 3 years later, he’s squandered almost all of the cap space and draft picks and still had none of those premium positions filled heading into this past years draft. Here’s what he’s done since he got to NY:

    Offensive Line:

    Obviously mission one is acquiring and developing a franchise QB. You can’t do that if he’s running for his life and “seeing ghosts” all the time. The jets got a birds eye view of that with Sam Darnold and how trying to develop a franchise qb without an offensive line works. With $90 million to spend and a plethora of draft picks. JD added zero quality starters with those resources. Instead, he added only backup scrubs like Connor McGovern, Greg van roten, Alex Lewis and George fant. He then used his first pick on Mekhi Becton, who was a known lazy and unmotivated player. That was common knowledge, and if you look back at my posts after the draft on here I made sure to point that out. In taking Becton, who 3 years in has barely played and no longer seems to be in the jets plans, JD passed on Tristan wirfs, one of the best tackles in the league and I believe was just ranked as a top 30 player in the league by his peers. That first year was a complete waste at rebuilding the offensive line.

    His 2nd year he had $67 million to spend in free agency and a chance to right the wrong of the past year by not signing any quality offensive linemen. So, what did he do? All he did was sign Dan Fucking Feeney. You kidding?

    Still having holes at the 3 most important positions on the offensive line (LT, RT and C) JD goes and trades too draft picks to move up and select a right guard. A solid player, but Jesus Christ. See my section below on mismanagement of resources.

    This year, his 3rd try, he once again had the opportunity to correct his issues that he is now fully aware of at LT. He said before the draft that they were not committing to Becton as their LT. That sent up a bat signal to me that surely, with a young qb, they’d be looking at his replacement with one of their top picks. Nope. He once again puts his trust in a player who has habitually broken it, and now 3 years into his tenure the jets still don’t have a LT, or RT for that matter. Or a center, which is crucial to the development of a young QB. The first thing Beane did was sign Mitch Morse and make sure he had a strong veteran pivot for his young QB.

    In general, his failure to build an offensive line 3 years in for 2 qbs is inexcusable. He’s barely devoted any resources to it, and the resources he has devoted to it, he used them on the two most unimportant positions on the line in both guard spots (AVT and Tomlinson). 3 years in he still has no LT, no RT, and no pivot.

    Pass rusher, corner, and wide receiver:

    I don’t have to tell jets fans this, but they haven’t had a pass rusher in 2 decades and have been waiting for a GM to address it. His first 2 years, JD really only threw one attempt it at despite $150+ million dollars and 19 draft picks, and that was to sign a guy with a career high of 6 sacks.

    He also didn’t even attempt to address the corner position his first two years. Unreal.

    He’s also failed at receiver. His big spending spree that first year saw him ignore the position like the others. He brought in Breshaud Permian, what a game changer. Mims is a bust. He then signed a 3rd or 4th receiver in Corey Davis to #1 money, and that hasn’t really helped any. I THINK Moore will be a good player, but we have to see that happen first. Again, the first 2 years were a waste. He signed no one, acquired no one, and really Moore is the only player with any hope there. With awesome receivers being traded over the past few years like Diggs, DHop, Tyreek, Devante, Hollywood, AJ Brown, etc. there was nothing to suggest JD was a player in any of those situations, save for Tyreek where we found out he was using the jets as leverage (and this was 3 years in already anyway). I’ll get to Wilson and this past draft below.


    He hasn’t signed anyone of consequence in his 3 years of being a GM despite having over $200 million to do so. He’s signed fringe backup players who haven’t made an impact. He squandered all that money and cap space, for nothing.

    His first draft was God awful. Becton was his first pick over Wirfs, which I’ve already discussed. He then traded down in the 2nd round, passing on chase claypool and trevon Diggs to pick bust Denzel mims. His next pick was Ashtyn Davis. Nothing even needs to be said here.

    Then Jabari Zuniga. Who? Lamichael Perine. Josh Morgan. Cameron Clark. The fuck?

    Next draft was Zach Wilson. Jury is still out, but not looking very promising so far. We’ll see. I like EJ Moore, that seems to be a good pick.

    AVT is a good player, but it’s about managing resources. Using top assets to trade up to the number 14th spot for a right guard is a poor decision. I don’t doubt that AVT will be a solid player, but what a terrible use of resources here. He trades what is essentially a 2nd and a 3rd round pick for a right guard, on a team depleted of talent and needing every pick they can get to add quality players, JD gave away the number 66th overal pick, one away from being a 2nd rounder, and another 3rd rounder, just to pick a guy and stick him at right guard. AVT will have to basically be a hall of famer in order for that to make sense. Trading up for a tackle makes sense. Again, AVT should be a starter for a while, but it’s about resource management and how you use what you’ve been given. If I told you that you bought a Lamborghini, you’d be stoked. But if I told you that you spent $3 million on it you’d be like wtf? You can find quality starting guards anywhere. Tackles and centers are harder to find. You don’t spend precious resources on a right guard.

    His use of resources has been terrible. He gave away a pick for Quincy Wilson. Gave away a pick for kelechi osemele. Gave away precious picks for a right guard. Was he the GM who traded Leonard Williams away for a couple mid round picks when he’s a top interior dlinemen in the league?

    He flushed $8.4 million down the toilet when he signed a 34 year old retired center who was beat up and ineffective, and he proceeded to be terrible for a few games and then got hurt for the season. That move made no sense. A poor decision he was forced to make because he didn’t (and still hasn’t) addressed the center position. The first thing the bills did for Allen was get a veteran center, and 3 years later, the jets still don’t have one.

    Instead of attacking the 5 premium positions his first two years like any competent GM would do, he largely ignored them. His potential saving grace was acquiring the extra picks from the Adams trade. That was awesome. His tenure here is hanging on by a thread, and all of his eggs are placed in this last draft, hoping and praying he can get enough excitement out of them to generate another year of work.

    I consider this last draft great, but I don’t give JD credit for it, there’s a difference. If you look at my posts on here before the draft, I went to bat and pounded the table for the jets to select Sauce at 4. He was my favorite player from the draft and it was an obvious position of need for NY, so it was a no brainer. At 10, I had the jets taking jermaine johnson, who I also liked. I went back and forth between him and a receiver, both very obvious choices. The jets got both, which is great. In my mock I also had the jets taking Breece in the second, an also obvious pick to help ZW. I said on this very board that Ruckert was my TE1, I believe Chris sims said that as well. I consider these selections as obvious no brainers. If you credit him for picking those players, then I also must be the best GM in the world since we would’ve made the same choices.

    This most recent draft may save his ass, but no one should forget his poor decision making, and I question whether to give him credit for the picks of this last draft as the bar shouldn’t be “well he didn’t screw it up!” The players are also not guaranteed to be great, despite what many think around here. I believe the stats are that half the first rounders contribute and half don’t. The jets have historically been in the half that don’t. To hit on all 3 first rounders would be a statistical anomaly, but it’s possible. The raiders picked clelin Ferrell, Jonathan abrams and josh jacobs in the first round one year. They declined 5th year options on all 3. Ferrell is a backup now, Abrams hasn’t done anything, and they are trying to find Jacob’s replacement. Raiders fans of course thought all 3 would be great that year. I say this to say that we can’t automatically crown this past draft, we need to wait and see.

    The fact that JD waited until year 3 to address the premium positions work his top resources is GM malpractice, imo. The fact that anyone thinks he can’t be criticized is laughable.
    #101 Bills over Jets, Sep 5, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
    Bellys Lies, SOJAZ and azhar80 like this.
  2. LAJet

    LAJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I have a totally different take on his assessment. Many of his one liners were IMO one sided superficial opinions to make a point. Some are simply laughable. Hiring a Defensive coach to lead Zach, Calling a raw rookie QB that much improved the second half trash. Blaming the release of Anderson as a major fault, to pamper Sam that has yet to show much. I take our top 4 over Andersons and his salary any day any time. Neglecting to mention one positive thing about JD, it was simply selective nonsense not evaluating his total body of work.
    We keep citing the wins and losses. As if we didn't know the first two years were going to be a mess, period end of story. Was it pretty, hell no, we expected better, but there was no way in hell we would have a winning record by now with the disgraceful POS he inherited. We delayed the inevitable one year to begin the tear down. So beating that drum is meaningless to me. What I do see is far more improvements and unity in the roster than ever before.
    And when people tell me we don't know that till we see them play this season, I simply reply. Yes you are 100% correct. So why don't we wait and watch the season before people start posting nonsense stating unequivocally this will be another disastrous year, JD should be criticized, and the Jets will suck. Cant have it both ways. We said we expected improvements, will see.
    KY Jets Fan, Borat and azhar80 like this.
  3. Metstrife

    Metstrife Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    For me, the jury remains very much out on JD. Yes, he inherited a total mess and a complete rebuild was required. But that rebuild has shown little real on field progress to date - even though we now have what resembles an actual NFL roster compared to when he took over. There’s been some good (getting premium picks in trades), some bad and some ugly (2020 draft and majority of free agency signings prior to this off season).

    But here’s the thing. His record to me resembles someone who is learning on the job. Which is something most Jets GM’s and coaches have had to do since god knows when. It’s absolutely unfathomable to me that an organisation, any organisation in times of dramatic under- performance lasting well over a decade, keeps putting first timers in absolute key positions. And then pairs them with guys with little to no experience in the hot seat themselves.

    Since 2013…
    John Idzik
    Mike Maccagnan
    Joe Douglas
    Todd Bowles
    Robert Salah

    The odd man out…Adam Gase!

    These guys are all human and were no doubt learning as they went. Douglas may or may not pan out in the long term and this season is crucial. I like the 2022 draft and free agency class. I’m not in love with the quarterback but hope I’m wrong.

    But the two bird brains running the franchise all this time keep making it so much harder than it needs to be. Douglas is doing what any of us would do, he’s learning as he’s going and he’s far from perfect. He was set up to fail and considering what he inherited, who he’s worked with, I think he’s doing….ok
  4. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Looks fat to me.
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  5. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It is like you just argued against yourself lol

    I'd stick with no experience over and over again than stick another Adam Gase back in charge, the worst decision this franchise has ever made and that says a lot.
    KY Jets Fan likes this.
  6. Metstrife

    Metstrife Active Member

    Nov 22, 2017
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    Wasn’t an argument for Gase - would agree that he’s by far the worst decision we’ve made of late.
  7. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    The Truth hurts

    But why do I focus on some positives and despite my cynicism boy do I want to be a sunshine boy deep down

    It's like Prayer I suppose...God listens
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  8. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    A woman scorned for the Football Gods ego?

    Of course, there are 2 sides to every couple problem isn't there?
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  9. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I know it wasn't but putting him in there made the case for all the rest 100% better lol
  10. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Well the story goes that she says she has given up a lot of her prime to stay at home with the kids and now she wants him to do the same. Says they had an agreement and he broke it.
  11. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yeah, it must be hard work looking after your fucking kids for 6 months of the year while you're swimming in cash, whiny rich bitch in whining shocker.
    Lon Chaney likes this.
  12. K'OB

    K'OB 2021 TGG Fantasy Football Champ

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Have you not got your own team to support?
  13. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he certainly seems like a capable GM but there are plenty of those around - employed and unemployed.
    the NFL, IMO, is the most complex sport on the planet and putting a winning team on the field requires luck, shrewd decisions, and the right personnel on and off the field.
    its really a crapshoot and fans have to appreciate and enjoy the success when it happens.
    #113 jilozzo, Sep 5, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2022
  14. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    I get what you're saying here but the Steelers haven't been below 6 wins in 33 years and the Jets basically live below 6 wins.

    That's all about management of the team, most of it on the GM's.
    HomeoftheJets and IDFjet like this.
  15. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    So so so Tom Brady is a cheater??? My goodness:rolleyes: lmao

    Personally if won all those SBs with 2 different teams no less I would go for "less is more" and take the high road with my partner..hmmm
  16. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    yes the steelers....agree they are the exception.
    certainly helps with BR in the pocket since 2004 and relative stability at that position. Not the most stable over the years but no doubt better than the jets.
    There are a few things that have allowed them to succeed...their defense is always at the top and they seem to always draft well, especially at the LB position. secondly, their coaches have been top dogs for long stretches - even the asst coaches. third, there isn't a carousel with regard to coaches and staff. they must lead the league in lowest staff turnover.
  17. SOJAZ

    SOJAZ Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2015
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  18. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Lol I mean maybe we can start a gofundme page to help her with a babysitter so she can have a girls night out once in a while.
  19. LF911SC

    LF911SC Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
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    I’m well aware. But if JD loads up on talent, fields a playoff like team and Saleh shits the bed, JD needs to be fired? Start over again? Because everyone from JD, the Johnsons and 99% of the fan base wanted Saleh. Coaches fail. Happens but you don’t dump the guy who does his job along with the HC and need to fill 2 spots
  20. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I think Douglas has done a pretty good job. Not completely errorless, though. His errors:

    1. 2020 draft
    2. Bringing Kahil out of retirement at $8M--he stunk
    3. Going into 2021 with rookie free agent kicker and then replacing him for one game with same
    4. Zach Wilson--unless he turns it around--1 year wonder at a school playing a creampuff schedule. Sanchez was one year wonder too, but USC has tougher schedule
    5. Too loyal to vets who should be replaced---Hardee, Shepard, and Curry come to mind. .

    Overall Douglas IMO is 100 times better than MacIdiot, e.g. Mosely's restructure was necessary only because MacIdiot WAY WAY overpaid him.
    Jets79 likes this.

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