What does a pair of season mid-level season tickets cost nowadays? I'm in Los Angeles and I certainly ain't buying LA Rams seats anytime soon.
My only issue with Geno haters is do you really think Fitz would have done more with the supporting cast Geno was originally given? With that said, Id obviously prefer someone better than both of them lol
http://www.newyorkjets.com/tickets-...nfo-request_tickets-stadium-landing-find-seat You can see that any decent seats would have to be from a PSL holder so they'd still own the licensing for the seat, I'd just give them btw 1600-3500 for a pair of tickets for the season.
I better stick to DirecTV. PSL's are for shit. They're already setting those up out here...there's no stadium yet! Greedy muthafuckers...