Make it incentive based dependent on making the playoffs and playoff success: $7 Mil base $2 Mil for making the playoffs $2 Mil for reaching the Conf Finals $2 Mil for making the SB $2 Mil for winning the SB If he wins the SB - he gets his $15 mil
Can someone explain to me how signing bonuses work? Do they count against the cap or not? If not, give Fitz a big signing bonus.
Money should have very little to do with this imo. The real question is what kind of QB Fitz really is. He plays the most important position on the team; if he's the QB to take us to the SB, then you pay him what you have to pay him to keep him, and if it's too much then that's Mac's fault for letting him hit free agency in the first place!! Otherwise, if he's not good enough to pilot this team that's otherwise SB ready (or very close), you don't want to pay him more than backup money. That's what it all boils down to, the way I see it anyway.
Fitz would get the entire bonus up front, but the cap hit would be prorated across the lifetime of the contract.
In addition to what HomeoftheJets said, not only does the bonus count against the cap prorated against the life of the contract, but since the money is paid up front, it counts regardless of whether the player gets released or traded. For instance, if the Jets trade for Kaepernick, the 49ers would still take a $2.47 million cap hit each year over the next 3 seasons, the result of his signing bonus. Another example is Revis. When the Patriots declined his option and let him go, they still took a $5million cap hit this past season due to his signing bonus (which turned out being more than the five remaining cornerbacks they had on the roster this year).
I think it is a sign that they arent going to make the same mistake the bills made. i dont think it has anything to do Geno or Petty. You dont give 10 million to mediocure QB who in a career year wasnt enough to get you to the playoffs. as far as our explosive offense, i think that has alot more to do with the skill players. I'd liek to have fitz back as well, but i wouldnt come close to even conceding 1 cent more to sign him. he does nothing long term and does little short term
you dont give mediocure or worse player 12 million. that is something bad GMs and joke franchises do. there is a second option, and its called not sabotaging the future of the franchise
You do when the going rate for an elite QB is pushing 23M Sorry but that's the reality of the NFL today. No quarterback, no hope. I guess people have short memories about Geno and Buttfumble
Fitz isnt an elite QB. He isnt even an above average QB. And he Isnt a young QB. there is no reason to even pay him anywhere near half of that 23M figure. I remeber how terrible Geno was. I also remeber how poorly Fitz played, in his prime, after the bills gave him a big deal. and I also remeber the laundry list of teams who gave mediocure qbs large contracts and how that level to several years of being bad and hamstringing them financially. you dont play average to bad QBs huge money. Luckily Mac isnt a complete moron
I want Fitz back but, frankly I'm a little annoyed this is dragging on so long. Fitz had a huge year with the Jets but, he's not Joe Montana. I get it, it's probably his last big contract but, take the money and come back to the Jets already.
As bad as Fitz was after he got that deal in Buffalo (below average), he wasn't Geno bad (replacement level). But the Bills were losing thanks to his below average play and their weak roster so they got rid of him. I don't think we have to worry about a Fitz deal hurting us for several years; it isn't like we would be offering him a huge contract. At worst, it would hurt us for 2 seasons but more likely, he will give us average QB play for much less than what average QB play normally costs.
We will never win a super bowl with fitz... He is nearly a stop gap until Mac finds someone who could be a franchise don't pay a stop gap 18 mil a season
plenty of other options besides geno... at least a dozen. and less wins with geno is still a better option then giving fitz big money. and its not close. only a complete dunce would give fitz close ot what he is asking for. luckily mac isnt a dunce
You don't do things because others do, you do them when they are are necessary. The Jets have tried for how many years now in futility to find stability at the QB position?? And now that they have a good thing going with a strong locker room they're jeopardizing it by lowballing Fitz because he has no other current offers?? OK well lets just wait for him to get other offers and see how that works out for next season
The two don't have to be mutually exclusive. If we can fit Fitz and Mo under the cap this year, any reason we can't sign Mo long term wouldn't have to do with Fitz. And it's possible by cutting Giacomini and Folk and reworking Brick's deal (or cutting Brick if we can get a replacement).
The problem with the NFL is there are no mid tier QB contracts...its seams its top wage scale or back up money. I can't think of one in the middle.