The CS should be shit on heavily for this bullshit performance today. The organization should give refunds to the fans that showed up!
Just wait..the good Todd Bowles is coming..errr..did anyone really think the team was outclassed talent wise today?Actually i thought the jets looked like the athletically superior group
Yep. Bart Scott's comments were pretty telling, talking about Herndon's lack of awareness at the end of the 1st Half, and then making the broader point, noting how Belichick's players are held accountable to know the game situation (time, down, and score), and to play accordingly.
Precisely. And that's exactly why they are so impressed with Darnold, who takes responsibility for everything that happens while he is on the field, even when it is clearly the fault of coaches and other players.
I often feel like the only reason the jets have the occasional good game is so that its more of a kick in the teeth when they inevitably stink in the next one
Bump... No way I'm letting this thread die until Bowles proves he can get his team ready to play week in and week out. This bullshit has been going on now for far too long..
Bowles has had one good year, and clearly that had nothing to do with him and everything to do with the Fitzmagic Comet making its once every four year orbit around the NFL.
Bowles is not a terrible coach. BUT...he is NOT a good coach. He is not the HC that will get the most out of Darnold or get this team to a SB. They need to face this reality and move on.
Johnny you are correct and we all know how it ends. Today was a good game to make a statement . They like to " talk " about changing the culture but it sure looks exactly the same to me.