I went to the Dentist as a kid and all I remember is that was happy to be outa there. Were there always slimeballs like this out there? Dont think so. Only in this f uped society SMH
Unfortunately I think it has always been the case, history speaks of some of the Roman emperors who used to keep kids in their vacation palaces on their private islands.
Maybe newspapers censored this stuff or cops got paid off not to arrest these guys in 40s, 50s 60s 70s?? omg decades of cover ups prob
Q: How does a Cornhusker (or 'Brooklyn') find a goat in the tall grass? A: Irresistible. -Denmark was the last country to ban beastility and for a while was the target destination for those looking to hook up with 'critters' at brothels that included them on the menu. - A 2011 Ministry of Justice report surveyed veterinarians and found 17 per cent of them suspected that an animal they treated had had intercourse with a human. The UK chaper of PETA contacted the Danish government about this issue and received the following reply from the Ministry of Foods, Agriculture and Fisheries (I don't know if the wording in this response is compassionate or phucked-up/funny): The Danish government has decided that a ban on sexual relations between humans and animals shall be implemented in the Danish legislation. Animals must be treated with respect and care and have the right to a high level of protection. When it comes to sexual relations between humans and animals there is a special concern to be taken into account, as the animals cannot consent to enter into a sexual relation with a human being. Another concern is that it can be difficult to identify and document possible physical or mental damage to the animal as a result of the sexual relation with a human being.
I am the Dentist Kill me Jets 5-5 Jets lost to pathetic Texans i am the dentist Kill me Kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I hate Naveen Kumar and Ankur Modi I hate Indians that aren't called Poeman. Indian bossess are ass. Jets killed me. I hate my life.