Well Bush I's indiscrimate bombing of Iraq created a generation of enemies. When the U.S. gov treated the people there like they weren't even human. That was one reason. Of course you'll deny it. How would you like it if they bombed Nebraska. Well, bad example. Try Texas.
Wake me when people from Nebraska and Texas start strapping bombs to themselves and killing innocent people. Bush the Elder did not indiscriminately bomb Iraq. He didn't push them into Kuwait either.
That you don't see the difference in those attacks and Benghazi is your problem. The mistakes made before, during and after the attack were the issues. Consulates, embassies, the personnel protecting them as well as the ambassadors and other state department personnel will always be targets. I think your next intelligent post will be your first. Hopefully you eat enough hot dog wrapped pizza dipped in ranch dressing and your heart explodes.
The air campaign was indiscriminate and inaccurate and many innocent civilians were killed. One of the reasons for hatred of the U.S. in that part of the world. These were not suicide bombers but average citizens. Ps the Bush family has made millions off of Saudi Arabia. That's a fact.
If we were going to war with Iraq this was the time we should have went and the reason. But a history of U.S. support of corrupt Mid East govs esp Saudi Arabia helped build the fires of hatred to the U.S. And create terrible groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. One of many reasons. The bombing was a part of that.
Timothy McVeigh spent time both in Kansas and in Texas, but didn't you just say innocent people must be killed?
just another right wing nut job on a witch hunt http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...fork-Hillary-s-trust-again.html#ixzz3kWCf28WZ
Well it's pretty obvious that you want Hillary to be guilty. And will post anything negative about her even though the investigation process is ongoing. And toss out any glitzy headline that without backup and proof says what she did is illegal. Since when is Piers Morgan a great source. The article is his opinion not based on facts. The last I heard of him he was fired by CNN. Again the terminology in this area of what is classified, top secret etc is not always what it seems to be. If you're fair minded you hold judgment until all of the facts are in. I'm sure you and people like you (the GOP) were around 300 years ago in Salem for that witch hunt, too.
Hillary! is guilty. The Rose law firm billing records, lost in Arkansas, turning up in her White House Quarters? Just an oversight ...yep.
Based on your posting history...You're life will still be miserable no matter who is President. Perhaps if you worked harder and made more money instead of listening to talk radio or visiting all the blogs out there all the time, you wouldn't be so angry. That's the problem with this country...People always blaming someone else (the 1%, illegal immigrants etc) instead of themselves.
snowden weighs in http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/2015/09/preview-snowden-hits-clinton-trump-150903082815559.html
I don't like Snowden and hope they never give him immunity. But this article is worth reading because he knows about security clearances. He should since he broke them big time. But again you have to have the proof and make it stick something the Repubs are disinclined to do. Someone tell them that you can't convict someone on alleged crimes. Even Snowden says "if" she did it, etc. How's about some bonafide proof.
Proof? Like paying the guy that set up the server? Like going on national TV and asserting that "I never really gave any thought to" where the emails were housed... (Hmmm...unless she's lying, and she really gave NO THOUGHT to it)...why hire a guy and buy a server? Lying, case closed, and she either thinks you're too dumb to catch on, or she does not GAF...